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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 04:35:38
翻译:how do you feel about go to the college in other place?exceted,yes.most of new students did not leaved their parents before they go to the college.so they are full of the wishes to their college life.the challenge they will faced is they have to learn to spend on their times.in middle school,they feel no need to worried about it.but it is different after go to the college,nobody can tell them what should do,they have to make a dicision with themselves and are resiponsible for their activities.
how do you feel about go【going】 to the college 【in other place 改成in a distant place】?【excited?】,yes.most of【the】 new 【加 college】students did not leaved 【leave】their parents before they go to the college.so they are full of the wishes to【加begin】 their college life.the challenge they will faced【face】 is 【加that】they have to learn 【加how】to spend on their 【time】.in middle school,they feel no need to 【worry】 about it.but it is different after go to the college,nobody can tell them what【them】 should do,they have to make a dicision with【by】 themselves and【加 they】 are resiponsible for their activities【改behavior】.
How do you feel about going to the college far away from your hometown?Excited,yes.most of freshmen are brought up by their parents with tender care and never leave their parents‘s sight before they go to the college.So they are longing for their college life. Yet one of the biggest challenges they will face is that they have to learn how to spend on their time.In middle school,they feel that there is no need to worry about the time.but it is quite different after they go to college,nobody can tell them what they should do,they have to make their own dicisions and they are resiponsible for their behavior.
freshmen 在英语中指 大一新生.代替new college students 比较恰当
英语翻译原文:去外地上大学的感觉怎么样?兴奋,是的.大多数大学新生以前都没有离开过父母,因此他们对大学生活都充满着憧憬. 英语翻译中学毕业后,许多年轻人已经选择直接进入劳动力.大多数的学生有机会,不过,决定去上大学之前找工作(他们大学获得更多 英语翻译我叫XXX,我来自陕西兴平,进入大学已经两个月了,感觉慢慢的适应了大学生活.认识大家真的感觉很开心,感觉每个人都 英语翻译上大学之前,我没有想到大学生活如此丰富多彩.出生于20世纪90年代的中国大学生多数是独生子女.了解他的人都因为他 英语翻译大学生活已经过了一半,在此将大学的美好时光进行下总结.在刚上大一的时候,我迷恋着大学的一切,迷恋着大学的新奇,迷 请问您有没有必要报一个培训班,我去听了一个大班的课感觉没什么效果,他们就是做题对完答案就过了,我大多数都没听懂.还有就是 适合大学新生的简易英语读物都有那些 英语翻译1、 当我在高中时,我以为大学的生活是非常轻松而且美好的,所以我一直憧憬着大学生活!当我走进大学并在此生活过一段 怎样迅速提高自己的口语能力?上大学后感觉的自己的英语水平下降很多,以前的都忘了,怎样补救 以前高中时候英语特别好 上大学以后突然对英语没有感觉了 怎么办呢 我是大学新生,感到大学物理有点难,有没有什么好的参考书吗?力学和热学的都要 想学英语,有没有一个软件帮忙复习以前学过的单词,从小学初中高中大学的所有词汇都复习下