作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 12:30:43
1. Grandmafelt i________ yesterday , we took her to a hospital .
2. It’s___________(传统的)to eat mooncakes on zhongqiujie in china.
3. Tomis going s________ with his friends on weekends.
4. Aliceis easy to ___________(变得)hungry at night.
5. Canyou find out these p__________ in your book.
6. Whatis he doing for v____________?He is going fishing.
7. Whatare the ___________ (不同点)between your sister and you?
8. Weshould go to see a d_________ when we have a toothache.
9. Theyare too t_______. Let’s help them.
10. Ifyou are s_______ out ,I think you should lie down and rest.
11. Jimis very a______ boy in our school.
12. You’d b_____ go to school on time.
13. Youm______ keep warm when the weather is cold.
14. Myaunt is out, so I need look after my cousin.
15. Doingsome __________(锻炼) can make you strong.
16. Lisa_________(设法) to eat more vegetable.
17. Whatdos he do on weekends? He _______(有时)watchesTV.
18. What’syour favorite_________(节目).It’s Animal World.
19. Ther_______for “play soccer” are interesting.
20. Howm_____ apples do you take? Only three.
21. He’snot very h__________ although he has a good habit.
22. Isher _________(生活方式) the same as yours.
23. Tomand his friend go to the movies t_______ a week.
24. Eating_______(薯片)too much is bad for your health.
25. Iwould like to eat some f______, like pears.
26. Mymother wants me to d_______ milk every day.
27. ______(睡觉) eight hours a night is good for yourhealth.
28. Grandpais pretty healthy because he e_____ every day.
29. Theweather here is so cold, I can h______ stand it.
30. CanI help you?----Of c_____, I’d like a hamburger, please.
31. Wemust _________ (保持) our classroom clean.
32. Boysare always a_______ in PE classes.
33. Hegoes to the supermarket o____ a week.
34. Ifyou have a cold, you should _________(吃)some medicine.
35. Itt_______ me half an hour to do my homework every day.
36. Thereare sixty m_____ in an hour, And there are 24 hours in a d______.
37. Wemust walk to the village. There is no other m_____of going there.
38. Howmuch we are paid ______ (决定于)on how hard we work.Beijing is in then_________ of China.
39. Thereis no bridge over the river, so we must get there by b_____.
40. Don’tw______. If you can’t do it, I can help you.
41. Youcan take many different kinds of ________ (交通方式)to New York,such as bike, car,bus, train and subway.
42. Iride my bike to the subway s_______, and then I take the subway to my workplace.
43. MyAmerican friend is going to v________ me next week.
44. Hey!Can you come to my b_________ party?
45. Don’ttalk in class, please keep q______.
46. Whatdid you do on Saturday? -Nothing much, I stayed at home the w_____ day.
47. I’msorry, I can’t come, I have to s_______ for the math test.
48. Therewill be a football m____ between Class1 and Class2 this Friday.
49. Ican’t go to movies with you , I have to go to my piano l______.
50. Thanksfor your _____(邀请)to have dinner, but I can’t come.
51. I t____ to climb the tree, but I can’t.
52. Youcan find the right date of Christmas on the _________(日历).
53. Myfriend likes sports, so she is very ________(积极).
54. Maryis a f______ girl, she always makes everyone laugh.
55. Janeisn’t very o______, she likes to stay at home .
56. Mysister is a l_____ more outgoing than me.
57. LiuYing talks more than Liu Li, Liu Li is ______(安静)thanLiu Ying.
58. Theweather in China is very d_____ (不同)from that in English.
59. Lucyand Lily have opposite views and i______ . Lucy likes staying in and reading,but Lily likes going out and meeting people.
60. Peteis really taller this year, he eats all the time . He is h______ than everyone
on the football team.
61. ________(虽然)he likes football, he isn’t good at playingfootball.
62. Hismother is going shoping, so he must ________(照顾)his brother.
63. Helove _______(大自然), but he can’t do well inbiology.
64. Thereare _____(四十) students in our class.
65. I _______ (建议) that we stay and wait here.
66.The ________(事故) happenedon a misty evening.
67.The Class 2 runner ________(使落下) his stick on ground.
68.It’s his duty to solve the ________(问题).
69.He feels ________(紧张不安) becausehe will take an English exam tomorrow.
70.We can be sure that he is ________(诚实的).
71.They found it hard to ________(决定) whether to go swimming or not.
72.The patient isn’t out of ________(危险).
73.This flower ________(闻起来) good.
74.People look at each other in ________(恐惧).
75.The camel is a ________(有用的) animal.
76.He gave us some ________(建议) on how to learn English.
77.John and his brother have totally different ________(性格).
78.It is ________(无用的) to talkabout it now.
79.We live ________(密切的) to eachother.
80.They made a big fire to keep ________(野生的) animals off.
81.He will go there by ________(长途汽车).
82.________(无处) is thebook to be found.
83.What is your ________(到达) time?
84.We enjoyed ________(我们自己) very much last night.
1.When I ___________ ( get ) home, Mum ______________ ( cook ).
2. When Tom __________ ( enter ) Mr Black’s room. He ______________ ( listen ) to music.
3. When I _____________ ( walk ) along the street, I _________ ( meet ) Mary. We ___________ ( see ) each other since she __________ ( finish ) the school.
4. His mother ______________( not know ) the news until I ___________ ( tell ). 5. I ___________ ( not leave ) until your mother _________( come ) back. 6. When we ____________ ( have ) supper, the telephone _________ ( ring ).
7. While Mary ____________ ( buy ) a new shirt at No. 1 Department Store, she __________ ( see ) Mr. Ma.
8. Please let me ________ ( know ) the news when you __________ ( receive ) the letter. 9. Could you tell me the news as soon as he ______________ ( come ) back.
10. I _____________ ( write ) to you as soon as I ______________ ( reach ) Beijing. 11. He ____________ ( wants to be a doctor when he ____________ ( grow ) up.
12. You ______________ ( be ) late for the meeting if you _____________ ( not hurry ). 13. While Wei Wei __________ ( run ) the 400-meter race, he ______ ( fall ) on the ground. 14. When Jack ________________ ( climb ) the tree, he _____________ ( fall ) off the tree.
15. When I _____________ ( meet ) him in the street, he _______________ ( wait ) his friends at the bus stop.
16. My mother ________ a teacher.
17. My name _________ Mary. I _________ fourteen.
18. What colour ________ your coats? They ________ yellow.
19. Who ________ that girl? She ________ Lucy.
20. What __________ that in English? It _________ a tree.
21. What ________ these? They ________ oranges.
22. The man ________ under the tree. His son and daughter______ in the car.
23. How many toy cars_________ there on the table? There ________only one.

be, in, go, with, play, the, see. we. English, policeman
24.Can you _________ five birds in the tree?
25. The boy ________ a yellow bag is my brother.
26. Mr Green is _____________.
27. Where ________ my new shoes?
28. Let's __________ to school together.
29. What's _________ time? It's twelve o'clock.
30. Your boxes are here. ____ are there.
31. It's time _________ games.
32. We aren't teachers. We're ________.
33. What's this _________ Chinese? It's“钢笔
34. Tom is ________(11岁)
35. I have three ______(小刀)
36. My ______(父母)are all teachers.
37. What’s the _______(男孩的)name? 70. He’s wearing a _______(双)of shoes.
38. 你怎么拼它?______ ______ you spell it?
39. 明天见.______ you ________.
40. 人人叫我迈克.________ calls _______ Mike.
41. 这件衣服看起来很好,但不适合我.
This coat __________ very nice, but it doesn’t _______ me.
42. 这是什么?是苹果.What’s this? ________ _______ apple.
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