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辩论赛题目是 Do you think luck and opportunity are more important

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/11 09:21:38
Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work
辩论赛题目是 Do you think luck and opportunity are more important
Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work
Good morning,everyone we are the objective part.I am debater 1 han .
I am debater 2 Jone
We are the negative part.I am debater 1 ding.I am debater 2 Li .
We both sides have to seize this opportunity,to pursue our desires for success.Our opinion - --the opportunity and luck is the key to success.If there is no opportunity,even though you have talent you have not demonstrated vision and the opportunity to stage.Mrs.Courier said:"the weak waits for the opportunity the strong creates opportunity”.We think:Opportunity and Luck are the keys to success!That’s all,thank you.
反方立论:Our side insists on that hard working is the key to success.It’s true that hard working and the opportunity are the important factors to success.But we are discussing which is more important.First,seeing from the side of philosophy,the inside factor is the most importance to everything developing.The hard working is the inside factor.Second,seeing from the way to success,we must set up a goal in the first instance,and through the personal hard working,we can hold the opportunity and achieve to success.So we believe the hard working is the key to success.That’s all,thank you.
We believe that success should be the combination of strong spirit and ability.The people without ability even have the best opportunities,he still can not succeed.We can see from the difficult hardships that”.Super Girls” also are not fame overnight.They can’t be inseparable with their efforts.To look at the students who failed in the college entrance examination,don’t they have the opportunity?Thank you.
The hard work can not lead to success.“Super Girls” become famous overnight.They all have strength and work hard during this pried.But if there is no this opportunity "Super Girls" competition,they certainly are still unknown to hard work.Can you say that the opportunity and luck is not the key to success?Thank you
"No pains,No gains".I think everyone can understand this simple truth!The people without ability even have the best opportunities,he still can not succeed.If Newton is a farmer,and he has no knowledge,when the apple fall on his head,he may just eat it,what the effect of this opportunity?Thank you
正方:If a person does the meaningless favor without any opportunity and luck,he also is the failure.Opportunity and luck can bring hope of success.Every famous people are successful by opportunity and luck.How can you successful by efforts alone.If you no chance to perform,you will be a very ordinary person for you all lifetime.So the opportunity and luck is the key to success.
Seen from the normal personal relationships,the opportunities and luck is only result created by people.If we do not fight,the only result is failure instead of the success.
Bole and horses are our familiar example.Opportunity and luck are the premise of all the other factors.If there are no opportunity and luck,even if you have talent,you can’t get a stage to show yourself.
Einstein once said:"Opportunity only prefers the mind prepared.” The countless scientists of the success in history have told us,the people who hard work is easier to success than that who only wants to wait for the opportunity and luck.
It is clear that success after opportunity and luck.Success is a result,opportunities and luck is the conditions.Since you are successful,the opportunity and luck is Indispensable.
Thank for the well debating of the negative part.We insist on our view that the luck and opportunity is more important than hard working.The hard working is important,but not the key to succeed.When the opportunity is coming,the hard working man or other may catch it and succeed.Hard working can improve the personal ability.It makes us advantages of catching the opportunity.So hard working is for getting the opportunity.It means that there is no opportunity and there will be no success.Our side insist that the luck and opportunity is more important than hard working for success.