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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 21:32:01
假设你是China Daily的小记者,请你根据下面的提示,写一篇有关汶川大地震的新闻报道,词数70左右
1 2008年5月12日,四川汶川县发生了中国历史上罕见的大地震,造成大量人死亡
2 房屋倒塌,谢军和他的父母被困在倒塌的房子里
3 幸运的是,谢军没有受伤,只是受到了惊吓.可是他的父母的腿却受到了严重的伤害.
4 两天后士兵来了,把他们营救了出来,并赶快送到了医院.
5 最后,谢军一家平安脱险.
Rare Chinese violent earthquake in history happened in Sichuan Wen
Chuan County 1 on May 12 ,2008,bring about large amount of person
death buildings have collapsed ,has been lucky to be that Xie
Jun is not wounded in the house that Xie Jun and his parents is
besieged in collapsing,only frighten.But,his parents's leg has
accepted grave hurting but.The soldier has come two days later ,them has been rescued coming out ,has delivered
to and a hospital as quickly as possible.at last ,the Xie Jun
family get off with a whole skin.