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阅读理解:One day,an electricity(电)generator(发电机)broke down(坏了).

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 21:28:02
阅读理解:One day,an electricity(电)generator(发电机)broke down(坏了).
One day,an electricity generator broke down.The electric lights went out all over the city.Machines stopped working.Computers failed.Refrigerators no longer refrigerated,and frozen foods went bad.There was no radio and no television.The situation was very serious.The loss of power was costing the electricity company tens of thousands of dollars.
It was costing industry and business in the town many more thousands of dollars.Technicians worked nonstop for hours trying to get the generator to start again Nothing happened.The generator had a fault that no one understood.In despair ,the manager of the electric company sent for a world-famous expert on generators.
A few hours later,he flew into town.He drove to the power station and walked around the generator.He looked at it carefully and then took a small hammer out of his pocket and hit a part of the generator with it.Immediately,the generator started working again.
The expert gave his bill to the manager of the electric company.It said:“For restarting(重新启动)one generator:$10,000.”
The manager was very angry.“Ten thousand dollars!” he exclaimed .“For hitting the generator with a hammer!It’s too much money!I won’t pay it!”
The expert took the bill back and changed it slightly(稍微).Now it said:“For hitting one generator:$1.For knowing where to hit:$9,999.”
A.Give the correct derivation
___1.All the (machines)is powered electrically.
___2.People could not (foods)their families.
___3.The (costing)to industry was thousands of dollars.
_____4.No one in the city had the (technicians)know to repair it.
_____5.The expert looked at the generator with (carefully).
_____6.He made a (slightly)change to the bill.
阅读理解:One day,an electricity(电)generator(发电机)broke down(坏了).
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