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英语翻译All facts ____ fallowing the Local police should be to b

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 05:34:01
All facts ____ fallowing the Local police should be to blame for the victims of HongKong.
A.added   B.added to   C.added up   D.added up to
2.Because he was smoking at work and was ffined by the boss he was ____ about it.
A.worried   B.glad   C.upset   D.nervous.
3.The reporter has written ____ artieles about air pollution hoping to call the attention of all people to the problern.
A.a sries of   B.a great deal of   C.aplenty of.   D.alarge a mont of
4.To their disappount went the aouple ____ the house but couldn't find the missing ring.which was to bring them great trouble.
A.get though  B.went through   C.lived through   D.looked through
5.____ Iwent to the cinema once a week at university.
A.There was a time when  B.There was a time what  C.I had time when  D.I had a time that.
6.John's success has to do with good back It's years of bad work ____ has mode him what he is today.
A.why   B.when   C.which   D.that
7.Our English teacher is ill and we are call ___ her health.
A.answerd about   B.careful of   C.in terested in  D.look after
8.All these foods and clothes must be sent cut immediately ___ in time for those who were caught in flood
A.in order to have received   B.in order to receive  C.so as to be received  D.so as be receiving
9.It was the second time that he ____ the great wall.
A.visited   B.has wisited   C.had visited  D.should vist
10.All thraugh I often send emails too Tom.I haven't see him
A.eye to up eye   B.face to face  C.with eyes    D.on my own
英语翻译All facts ____ fallowing the Local police should be to b
1. All facts _ fallowing the police should be to blame for the victims of hongkong.
选C 译:这些事实联系起来都暗示这香港当地警察都该对这些受害者负责.
2. Fined 打错了.译:他因为在工作时间吸烟而被老板解雇了,这使他很难过.选C
3. 这个记者写了一系列关于空气污染的文章,目的是让人们关注这一点.选A, 一系列的
4. 选D, 仔细地看.
打错when.,失望的是, 这对夫妇仔细看了这个房子都没有找到丢失的戒指.
5. 选A. 上大学时,有一段时间我每周去一次电影院.
6. Hard work 打错成bad work
选c 译:这几年的努力是他成功的原因,成就了今天的样子.
7. Are all 打错成are call
Sent out 打错成cut
B. 译:所有食品和衣物必须立即派送出去,以便能即使到达被洪水围困的灾民手中.
9. A, 译,那是他第二次参观长城.
10. Although 和to Tom 打错.
B 译:虽然我经常给他发邮件,但从没见过他.