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what is your idea towards sex discrimination?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 18:43:21
what is your idea towards sex discrimination?
what is your idea towards sex discrimination?
personal idea on sex discrimination
We have many kinds of discrimination in the world,among them,sex discrimination is the most common one as well as the most wide-spread and influential one I think.
Maybe this kind of bias have come into being even at the stone age,at a time when people were rely mainly on mannul power to fight animals and collect food,productivity then made men more powerful than their counterparts.
But now,we have entered the times of science and technology,we have smarter girls and some of them are now working in critical fields like engineering,space flight,nuclear control,and alike that were mainly given to men,especially in well-developed countries like the U.S.A.women share freedom of the same amount with men and carry out their tasks perfectly or even better than men.
but we still have sex discrimination in less developed nations or those with profound feudal influences like Japan,China and other countries where women are treated like second-classs citizen,deprived of basic rights as being educated and named just a few.
fortunately,people of these countries and the world at large are paying increasing attention to this problem,we hope all these joint efforts can decrease the unfair treatment upon women in the near future.