作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 05:27:13
1.What do you think is the most important factor in realizing one’s dreams?
2.What’s your attitude towards part-time jobs?
3.What is your attitude towards failure in life?
we all have a dream inside us,more or less.I think the most important factor
in realizing one’s dreams is experience.As we grow up,we are expose to many
things,joy,success,stress and lot more.When we are little,we always live
in uncertain.We are scare of the future,we are afraid of the unknown.
However,when we finally grow up and go through
all sorts of joys and sorrows of life,we would find
out what we truly wanted inside us.Not just an act on impulse but a decision that
we make and we would take responsibility of.Therefore,I think experience is
the key factor to know what one’s dream are.
Like I said in the first paragraph,experience is what make us grow .I think part-time jobs is an opportunity for us to expose to the society and to gain experience.We can learn many things from part-time jobs.There are things we are able to get from part-time jobs that we can't get it from anywhere else.
Toward failure,I think this is something we all go through before.It is always said that "failure is the mother of success".I think failure would make us mature.As we grow up,we learned and often from failures.We learn from what we did wrong and try to do better the next time.Therefore,I think if we can overcome failure,see failure as a motivate to do better then failure would be a stepping stone of our success.
再问: 不好意思。可能是我表述有点问题。这是三个题目。是分开的。就是说考试的时候抽一个。然后根据题目说两分钟
再答: 我不知道你所说的2分钟是多长Manystudents today work part-time jobs. Many may said it would affects your gradeand you won’t do well in school. As a matter of fact I think part-time jobs isan opportunity for us to expose to the society and to gain experience. Yet,school can teaches us many things, Literature, English, Math, Science and etc.However, as for part-time jobs, it could increase our confidence when we find ourjobs in the future. I think as a students, school is definitely the mostimportant things we should focus on. But, there are many things we are able toget from part-time jobs that jobs that we can't get it from school or anywhereelse.这是第二个问题的重写第一个我觉得够长了吧(我想不出写什么,可是我可以帮你翻译)第三个在文件里PS:要加什么请附带中文。。。本人只有今天有空。。。所以。。。。