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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 13:46:58
In this work, the spatial CS based approach that is motivated by the following two observations, is proposed. First, discretiz- ing the bearing space into N >> J distinct bearing angles, the field directionality is modeled as a superposition of N far-field point sources at the N distinct bearing angles. Considering that there are only J strong far-field sources, the remaining N − J far-field sources are of the low power that equals to the power of the isotropic noise. Modeling the signals at the sensor array that are induced by the far-field point source as a plane waves, the field directionality can be modeled as a superposition of N planewaves from the N distinct bearing angles, where only J of them are of the high power. This model suggests that the field directionality is J-compressible signal in the bearing space.
Next, note that in the space-time domain, the plane wave, induced by the narrow-band far-field point source can be expressed in the following form:
e(x, t )= eiω0t −k0 x , (10)
and the same wave in the wavenumber-frequency space (re- lated via the Fourier transform) is:
E (k, ω)= δ(ω − ω0 )δ(k − k0 ) . (11) These observations suggest that the field directionality is
J-compressible in the wavenumber-frequency space. In the sparsity basis that spans the wavenumber-frequency space, the field directionality can be represented as follows:
s(k, x)= Ψd + ξ , (12)
where the vector of the sparse coefficients d of size N has J
nonzero entries that corresponds to the strong far-field sources,and ξ contains low-power nonsparse component of the field directionality that is induced by the isotropic noise.
The proposed sparse model for the field directionality
motivates the application of the CS theory to the addressed problem. Moreover, it proposes the efficient structure for the sensing matrix Φ of size M × N, with the columns that contain array response vectors:Φ = [a(θ1 ) ... a(θN )] .(13)
Note that this sensing matrix consists of the complex sinusoids, and therefore, according to the CS theory such a pair of the sparsity and the sensing basses is the most incoherent and requires the least number of measurements.
From (1) and (2), the measurement vector of size M × 1 is
y = ΦΨd + Φξ + w , (14)
and the vector of sparsity coefficients d can be found via solving the minimization problem in (4) with the reconstruc- tion performance bounded in (5). Since the sensing matrix is normalized, it does not change the power of the nonsparse part of the signal ξ.
4 基于空间压缩传感的方法