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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 05:37:17
[关键词]证人出庭作证范围 金钱处罚和行政处罚 保护制度 经济补偿制度
(Abstract) In criminal cases,the ability of witnesses to testify in court and the usefulness of their testimonies have important implications for the investigation process and uncovering of the truth.However,the system surrounding in-court testification for witnesses with regards to criminal cases in China still presents many imperfections,thereby engendering a low rate of court appearance.Witnesses may also be reluctant to appear in court owing to various influences.Therefore,establishing an elaborate system of in-court testification needs to commence from the following areas:affirming the scope of testimonies that the witness is willing to provide as well as any exceptional circumstances; the possible monetary and administrative penalties witnesses may incur if they fail to appear in court; a system of protection for witnesses and their families; a system of financial compensation for witnesses.The circumstances surrounding each case also need to be factored into account.
Key words:scope of testimonies agreed to by witness,monetary and administrative penalties,system of protection,system of financial compensation.
再问: 题目能再帮我翻译一下吗?非常感谢! 试论刑事证人出庭作证制度及其完善
再答: 好的 题目:The System of In-Court Witness Testification and its Improvement
英语翻译[摘要]在刑事案件中证人能否出庭作证并且所作的证言往往对查明案件事实的真相有着重要的意义,但是我国目前的刑事证人 英语翻译刑事诉讼免证权制度是现代法治国家证据制度的重要组成部分,是对证人出庭作证义务的补充和限制.目前世界各国的刑事诉讼 英语翻译从目前情况来看,近些年来证人出庭率偏低的问题在司法实践中非常突出,证人出庭率低已经成为严重困扰审判方式的重大问题 逻辑题,麻烦您了二、双项选择题;1、证据是能够证明案件真实情况的所有事实.证据有:书证、物证、证人证言和勘验笔录.以上关 英语翻译1.事实就是任何能够得到证实的东西.(anything that.)2.证人必须提供事实而不是个人观点(rath 美国法庭上证人宣誓的内容 帮我看看这个判断题调查可能提供虚假有罪证据的证人,律师一旦获得真实证言,调查工作即可结束. 英语翻译很快,他就查明了事实的真相 He____________the truth of the matter soon 翻译证人事部的好还是教育部的权威 英语翻译论公安刑事调解的范围和程序设计摘 要:随着我国司法改革的日益深化,公安机关在办理刑事案件过程中,逐渐开始运用调解 一道逻辑推理题!1)在一桩谋杀案中,有两个犯罪嫌疑人甲和乙,另有四个证人正在受到询问.第一个证人说:我知道甲是无罪的.第 在刑事案件中机械性窒息的法医学鉴定意义