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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 16:39:16
That’s why Big Business took such an interest in Supreme Court nominations, directly coordinating with the White House to vet potential nominees. That’s why Corporate America salivated when Bush nominated Roberts - Big Money’s "go-to lawyer," according to his associates. That’s why wealthy executives cheered when Bush later nominated Sam Alito, the guy Businessweek noted "consistently has come down on the side of limiting corporate liability, limiting employee rights, and limiting federal regulation." And sadly, that’s why the confirmation hearings carefully avoided serious discussion about the economic issues. It’s all because Big Business and their bought-off politicians understand the advantage they get by infiltrating the inside of the court with their vermin. They understand, in short, the private profit potential of performing a hostile takeover of America’s court system.
The result is that the Court is becoming even more complicit in helping Big Money interests transform the legal system into the sharp, poisoned-tipped arrowhead of Big Business’s profit spear - rather than a shield protecting America’s citizens. This has come into especially stark relief over the last few weeks.
First, the Supreme Court overturned a lower court ruling that would have invalidated many of the most egreiously wasteful taxpayer-funded subsidies to already wealthy corporations. Ohio taxpayers made the compelling case that these subsidies illegally rig interstate commerce. The court responded not only by overturning the lower court’s ruling, but actually stripping all taxpayers of ever bringing similar suits in the future, thus cementing these corporate giveaways in stone.
Remember, these are giveaways - and often come with horrific consequences. As Greg LeRoy documents in his explosive book The Great American Jobs Scam, these subsidies often cost taxpayers billions, force taxpayers to sholder the burden with higher taxes, and never compel companies who are benefitting from the largesse to actually deliver on their promises of jobs and better wages. We saw this recently when New York politicians of both parties eagerly handed Goldman Sachs - one of the wealthiest companies in the world - millions in taxpayer-funded loans/bonds to finance the investment bank’s palatial new headquarters, all at a time when the state/city governments were saying they had to slash transit workers benefits.
那是大企业为什么轮流一个如此对最高法院提名的兴趣,直接地以白宫协调诊疗潜在的被提名者.当布什提名的了罗勃特 - 大的钱时候,那是企业的美国为什么过量分泌唾液 "去-对律师",他的同伴指出.当布什稍后提名的了山姆 Alito 的时候,那是富有的主管为什么加油,家伙 Businessweek 注意 "已经一致地在限制企业的责任边上受到下来的影响,限制职员权利 ,和限制的联邦规则".而且悲伤地,那是证实听证会为什么小心地避免了关于经济的议题严重的讨论.资讯科技是所有的因为大企业和他们的买-走开政客了解他们经过和他们的害虫浸润法院的内部利益.他们简而言之了解私人的利润表演一个美国的法院系统的怀敌意接管的潜能.
结果是法院正在帮助大的钱方面变成甚至更有同谋关系感兴趣把合法的系统转变成高调,毒害- 装顶端了大企业的利润矛的矛头 - 并非一个盾保护美国的市民.这在最近几星期以来已经进入尤其变硬了的减轻.
首先,最高法院推翻规定那的较低法院会使无效多数的最大多数的 egreiously 对已经富有的公司浪费的纳税人赞助的补助金.俄亥俄州纳税人作无法抗拒的情形这些补助金违法地装备州际公路商业.法院回应不但藉由推翻较低的法院判决 ,而且实际上脱去所有纳税人曾经未来带来相似的诉讼,如此接合石头的这些企业的泄漏.
记得,这些是泄漏 - 而且时常带令人毛骨悚然的结果受到的影响.当格雷格 LeRoy 在他的炸药中证明订购很棒的美国工作骗局,这些补助金时常花费纳税人十亿,强迫纳税人到 sholder 和较高的税负担,而且从不强迫正在受益于慷慨实际上在工作和比较好的薪水他们的承诺上递送的公司.当两者党的纽约政客热心地传递了高曼萨克斯的时候,我们最近见到这 -在世界上的最富有的公司之一 - 纳税人赞助的贷款/ 束缚的数百万供给投资银行的宏伟新总部经费,每次全部当州/ 市政府正在说他们必须削减经过工人利益的时候.