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短语恰恰相反( )去...的途中( )挡道的,按...方式或方法( )这样,用这种方法( )顺便问一下( )在某种程度上

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 13:21:27
恰恰相反( )
去...的途中( )
挡道的,按...方式或方法( )
这样,用这种方法( )
顺便问一下( )
在某种程度上( )
Yesterday a pigeon carried the first message from pinhurst to Silbury.
The bird coverde the distance in 3 minutes
Up to now,Mr Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts
In return for this,the beggar stood on his head and song sangs
He ate the food and drank the beer
His name is Percy Buttons
He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
She asked ( )me where the money was and I told her
A to B X C for D from
Pick( )all the pieces of paper you have dropped
A up B X C away D for
He was looking ( )his pen but he couldn't find it
A abort B X C for D do
They entered( )the old man's room very quietly
A into B X Cin D inside
As it was very hot,wo took ( )the coats we were wearing
A from B off C away from Dor
We thanked his ( ) his help
A about B X C for D of
You'll have to explain ( ) the teacher why you are late
A with B to C at D about
The prisoner was locked ( ) and could not escape
A on B X C for Dup
He can't pay ( ) all the books he needs
A by B X C for D to
There ar many trees on ( )side of the street now
A all B either C each
Do you know where he ( )in 1999?(live)
I know she ( ) a watch last Sunday (buy)
My mother ( )a teacher for 10 years
短语恰恰相反( )去...的途中( )挡道的,按...方式或方法( )这样,用这种方法( )顺便问一下( )在某种程度上
恰恰相反( on the contrary )
去...的途中( on the way to )
挡道的,按...方式或方法( in the way )
这样,用这种方法( in this way )
顺便问一下( by the way )
在某种程度上( in some way )
Yesterday时间状语 a pigeon主语 carried谓语 the first message宾语 from pinhurst to Silbury地点状语.
The bird 主语 covered 谓语 the distance宾语 in 3 minutes时间状语
Up to now时间状语,Mr Scott主语 has sent谓语 a great many requests宾语 for spare parts目的状语
In return for this目的状语,the beggar主语 stood谓语 on his head地点状语 and song并列谓语 sangs宾语
He主语 ate谓语 the food宾语 and drank并列谓语 the beer宾语
His name 主语 is 系动语 Percy Buttons表语
He主语 calls at 谓语 every house宾语 in the street地点状语 once a month状语 and always 状语asks for 并列谓语 a meal and a glass of beer宾语.
She asked ( B )me where the money was and I told her
A to B X C for D from
Pick( A )all the pieces of paper you have dropped
A up B X C away D for
He was looking ( C )his pen but he couldn't find it
A abort B X C for D do
They entered( A )the old man's room very quietly
A into B X Cin D inside
As it was very hot,we took (B )the coats we were wearing
A from B off C away from Dor
We thanked him ( C ) his help
A about B X C for D of
You'll have to explain ( B) the teacher why you are late
A with B to C at D about
The prisoner was locked ( B ) and could not escape
A on B X C for Dup
He can't pay ( C ) all the books he needs
A by B X C for D to
There ar many trees on ( B)side of the street now
A all B either C each
Do you know where he ( lived )in 1999?(live)
I know she ( bought ) a watch last Sunday (buy)
My mother ( has been )a teacher for 10 years
短语恰恰相反( )去...的途中( )挡道的,按...方式或方法( )这样,用这种方法( )顺便问一下( )在某种程度上 如图所示,是某种饮水机的电路图.饮水机上有“加热”和“保温”两个挡位.[C水=4.2×103J/(kg•℃)] 探索勾股定理时,我们发现“用不同的方式表示同一图形的面积”可以解决线段和(或差)的有关问题,这种方法称为面积法.请你运用 英语翻译学习的很晚.回答一个问题.用这种方法.干某事的方法.顺便问一下.在我上学的路上.在我回家的路上.去机场的路.中餐 英语翻译中译英:(1)在途中;(2)挡路或碍事;(3)在某种意义上(程度上);(4)用这种办法;(5)顺便说一句;(6) 清洗衣服上的碘酒这种方法和用洗洁净除油污的方法相比较,在原理上有什么不同?(化学方面) 马克思主义哲学(即辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义)是否在某种程度上否定了唯心主义的观点? (2013•玄武区一模)如图所示为某电热水器的原理示意图,发热体分别由R0和R组成.S可分别置于“1”挡或“2”挡,则S 下列调查,适合用普查方式的是:( ) 我搞不懂.顺便说一下原因. 醋酸在醋酸钠溶液中电离的程度大于在纯水中电离的程度.______(判断对错) (2012•武清区二模)通过分析实验结果推断物质的组成,是认识物质的一种方法.研究水的组成就是利用了这种方法.电解水实验 建筑工人常在一根细线上拴一个重物,做成“铅锤”.用这种方法来检查墙与地面是否垂直,工人这样做的理由是______.