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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 08:41:05
Someone to discuss the question of heaven and hell and god.God said to him:"come on!I let you see what is hell."
They walked into a room.A group of people around a big pot of broth,but everyone look a face hungry,thin bone alone.Each of them has a can reach the pot soup spoon,but the spoon handle is longer than their arms,oneself can't send soup into his mouth.Have soup to drink less than the belly.Can only hope "soup" buy,helpless.
"Come on!I'll show you heaven." God led the people to the other room.Everything here and just now the room is no different,a pot of soup,a group of people,the same long-handled spoon,but everybody wide-body fat and are happy to sing with happiness.
"Why?" The man asked with puzzle,"why the hell people drink less than broth,but heaven to drink?"
God smiled and said:"is very simple,here,they will feed the others."
Story is not complicated,but it contains profound social philosophy and strong warning significance.The same conditions,the same equipment,why do some people turn it into a paradise into hell and others business?The trick is to you is to choose happiness or dominating the common interests.
英语翻译有人和上帝讨论天堂和地狱的问题.上帝对他说:我让你看看什么是地狱.”他们走进一个房间.一群人围着一大锅肉汤,但每 有人和上帝讨论天堂和地狱的问题。上帝对他说:“来吧!我让你看看什么是地狱。” 他们走进一个房间。一群人围着一大锅肉汤,但 学会合作+阅读短文有人和上帝讨论天堂和地狱的问题.上帝对他说:我让你看看什么是地狱.”他们走进一个房间.一群人围着一大锅 天堂与地狱的差别我记得其中一个故事:一个人和上帝讨论天堂与地狱,上帝说,你跟我来吧,我带你去看看地狱,说着把他带到一个房 有人问上帝:天堂和地狱究竟有什么不同? 有关上帝给每个人长勺子,天堂和地狱截然不同的寓意 牧师问上帝:“天堂和地狱,究竟有什么差别?”.材料作文 需要主题 有一天,一位教士问上帝,天堂和地狱有什么区别 英语翻译我向上帝许了一个愿,让我和话筒做一生的朋友,上帝说行,但只有七天,我说从星期一到星期天;上帝说不行,只有四天,我 爱情与哲学天堂和地狱之间有一道门,你穿着良心的战袍一脚门里一脚门外,你笑一笑,我飞入天堂,你皱一下眉头我掉下地狱.冯小刚 写一篇材料作文一个人问上帝:“为什么天堂里的人很快乐,而地狱里的人一点也不快乐呢?”   上帝说:“你想知道吗,那好,我 英语翻译我相信我死后必进天堂,因为我活着的每一天都是地狱.