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求初中英语对话1.问路 2.购物 3.打电话 4.看病 5.就餐 6.假期打算 7.新闻 8.讨论天气 就是那种补全对话

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 15:27:07
1.问路 2.购物 3.打电话 4.看病 5.就餐 6.假期打算 7.新闻 8.讨论天气 就是那种补全对话似的 有几个拿几个 分以后给 要不没人回答白瞎了
求初中英语对话1.问路 2.购物 3.打电话 4.看病 5.就餐 6.假期打算 7.新闻 8.讨论天气 就是那种补全对话
D:Good morning,Mr Harris.What's the problem?
P:Well,I‘ve got a very bad pain in my chest,doctor.
D:I see.When did it start?
P:About a week ago.
D:Do you have the pain all the time?
P:Yes,it's there the whole time.Sometimes it's bad.It's worse when I get up in the morning.
D:Is it bad now?
p:Yes,it really hurts.
D:Where exactly is the pain?
p:Just here.
D:All right.Now breathe in and out slowly,and I'll listen to your chest.Er...You've got a very bad cold.You'd better stay in bed for a day or two.
P:Oh,I don't have to go to school.I'm so happy.