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求救一篇 写我为什么喜欢英国的 英语作文

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求救一篇 写我为什么喜欢英国的 英语作文
求救一篇 写我为什么喜欢英国的 英语作文
窗外天气渐渐的热了,打开窗户.花香也伴着微风,徐徐地钻进我的鼻孔.说实话,除了英国人有点儿让人讨厌之外,英国的环境应该算是不错的.总有不同的人问我,这其中英国人. 一个重大的问题出现,他们很好奇的问我,到底喜不喜欢英国? 我回答:SOMETIMES,SOMETIMES IS GOOD ,SOMETIMES IS SHIT! (感觉有些不同,有些时候还算不错,有些时候很糟糕.)但是,糟糕的时候都和英国的环境没有关系,当然,不包括糟糕的天气.别说英国的雨,说起它就倒胃口. 那么,我有什么理由喜欢英国?因为,英国的春天.我很喜欢旅游,也很喜欢看那些有关的旅游资讯.英国BBC我除了看新闻以外,就很少看其他的节目.但是,有一个节目除外.她就是《SPRINGWACTH》(春天观察).虽然,现在应该算是夏天,不过就英国的气候来讲,要说是春天也没啥错.鉴于英国天气的变化无常,英国人的穿衣服实在是没啥品味.那种人们印象里的英国的男士西服和女士得体服饰,早已不复存在.看看伦敦的大街小巷,看看车来车往人来人往的闹市区,穿着随便邋里邋遢并不是很罕见到的现象. 好像,话题扯远了.其实,不远.英国人的穿衣随便也是我喜欢的一个理由.但这是次要的,主要的还要说是英国春天的景象. 英国的春天时间很长(我说的是英格兰),一般在每年的二月份就算是开始了,什么时候结束?不知道,如果说英国没有夏天,那连着夏天一起算,应该到八九月份吧.为啥这么算,八九月份就开始下连雨喽. 还是那个问题,到底应不应该喜欢英国? 不好说,真的不好说.有人再问我,我还是那句话,SOMETIMES(时好时坏).Gradually the heat of the weather outside the window, open the windows. Flower is also accompanied by the breeze, slowly to my nostrils drilling. To be honest, apart from a bit irritating than the British, Britain's environment should be good. There are always different people ask me, of which the British. A major problem, they are curious ask me, in the end like it or not Britain? I replied: SOMETIMES, SOMETIMES IS GOOD, SOMETIMES IS SHIT! (Feel a bit different, sometimes pretty good, sometimes bad.) However, poor environment at all times and the United Kingdom does not matter, of course, does not include bad weather . Never mind that Britain's rain, talking about it off-putting. Well, I have reason to prefer the United Kingdom? Because the United Kingdom in the spring. I like travel, liked to see those related to travel information. In addition to English, I read the news outside the BBC, we rarely look at other programs. However, there is a program exception. She is "SPRINGWACTH" (Spring observation). Although it is supposed to be summer, but the British climate is concerned, say it is the spring Mosha fault. Given the vagaries of British weather, the British clothes is Meisha taste. Impression that the people of British decent men and women dress suits, long gone. Take a look at the streets of London to see cars coming and going to drive to the downtown, dressed casually Lalilata is not very rare for the phenomena. It seems the topic of pulling distance. In fact, far. British casual dress is my favorite for a reason. But this is secondary, the main spring should be said that the UK scene. United Kingdom in the spring time is very long (I am talking about England), usually in February each year even started, when the end? Do not know, if there is no English summer, that summer, linked with the calculation, should go to Ba Jiuyue copies bar. How did such a calculation, Ba Jiuyue were started with the next rain through!. Still the same problem, in the end should not be like the United Kingdom? Hard to say, really hard to say. Some people ask me, I was saying, SOMETIMES (when the good and bad).