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fly in the sea还是fly on the sea?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 11:06:52
fly in the sea还是fly on the sea?
There are lots of birds flying _____ the sea.
A.on B.over C.in D.through
fly in the sea还是fly on the sea?
fly in the sea
词 at,on,in at指一个“点”或“小地方”;
in指一个“地区”或“大地方”空间内;on在某一平面或线上面.They arrived at the village at ten.
Your pencil is in the desk.
Your pencil is on the desk.
on,above,over on“与物体接触”反义词为“beneath”;over“在…正上方”反义为“under”;above“在…的上方”反义词为“below”.There’s a book on the desk and a pen beneath the book.
There’s a lamp over the desk and a bag under the table.
Jack’s bedroom is above mine on the second floor.
over,across,through across“表面跨过”;
over“从上空越过”.He’s swimming across the river.
They walked through the forest.
A plane is flying over the city.
at,beside,by,next to,near at靠得“最近”;
next to“在顺序上紧靠旁边”;
near 靠得“最远”,不表明确方向或顺序.Let’s meet at the school gate.
The building beside the library is the shopping center.
The boy standing by my side is from Shanghai.
Who’s sitting next to/beside Mr.Steve?
about,round,around.about表示周围是随意的,不规则的;round或around(二者无多大差别)的周围则是较完整的一个圈.Don’t leave the toys about the meeting-room.
They are sitting round/around the table.
to,for,at to “运动的方向,目的地”;
for “动身出发的目的地”;
at “有意攻击的目标”.Throw it to me.
He’ll leave for Shanghai.
He threw the ball at that boy.
up,down up指“往上,往北,大地方,靠拢”;
down指“向下,往南,向小地方,往开走”但在一市区,去中心区用down,去郊区等用up.They are going up the hill.
They are going down river.
I’m going down town shopping.
on,in,to in表“在某地区内”;
to表“在某地区以外”.Shanghai is in the south of China.
Hunan lies on the north of Guangdong.
Xichang lies to the south west of Chengdu.
between,among between指“两者之间”;
among指“在三者以上之间”.There’s a river between the two villages.
There’s a small house among the trees.
except for
except that
but for besides“除…之外还有,”实际不排除;
except for表整体肯定补充细节,表除去整体中的一部分;
except that“除了…外”,后接从句;
but通常与all,no,every,where,who what及有些它们的合成词连用;but for“要不是”,后面句子常用虚拟语气.I love music besides sports.
The house is never used except in winter.
The bus is empty except for an old woman.
I don’t know Peter except that he’s an Japanese.
There’s nothing but a chair in the room.
But for your help,I wouldn’t have finished my homework