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中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 ! 请高手帮我翻 二十分 可以再加分

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 06:42:51
中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 ! 请高手帮我翻 二十分 可以再加分
希望是真的会英语的人 帮我翻 通顺 而且文法对的句子
请会英文的帮我翻中文 绝对不要翻译软体 (因为是乱翻的句子 文法不通)
在我的意见里 暴力的确不会给人们想要就此停手的感觉 对某些人来说 因为使用暴力会让人感觉满足.
当我们经历生气的事情 或者是有精神上的很大的压力 就会开始出现暴力的行为
藉由暴力 , 发洩愤怒
在我的生活中 我没有经历过暴力 但我看过很多家暴(家庭暴力)新闻
父亲或者是母亲 殴打或者是虐待他们自己的孩子 有的孩子甚至还是刚出生 活活被摔死或打死的
真的是很惨不忍睹 大部分的理由是因为父母们 精神压力大 (因为家庭经济困难)或者是心情不好 拿孩子来发洩他们的愤怒
真的是一件很不可原谅的事情 因为他们的暴力 无辜的孩子成了牺牲品
暴力是一件很可悲的事情 虽然满足了自己 但却伤害到了最亲爱的家人和朋友
为什麼不能使用其他发洩愤怒和压力 其他的方法 而却要使用暴力呢
使用暴力真的是一件很不理智也很愚笨的方法 去满足自己的欲望
在这本小说中 我深深的为Baby 感到可怜和疼惜
长期遭受父亲的语言暴力 因为父亲的精神压力 她成了无辜的牺牲品
每天遭受辱骂 她的父亲藉由她 发洩心中的不满 为了让他自己感觉满足
中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 ! 请高手帮我翻 二十分 可以再加分
In my opinion,violence does not give people the feeling to stop hand,this to stop,for some people,conduct violence will make them feel satisfied.
Nothing can satisfied them except continue to use violence itself.
When we experience anger,or meet great mental pressure,we will be easily to use violence,
by which,to dispatch anger.
In my life I have not experienced violence,but I've seen a lot of domestic violence (domestic violence) News:Father or mother,beaten or abused their own children,or even just born,some children were killed or beaten to death.Really very miserable.Most of the reason is because the parents mental stress is big (because of family financial difficulties) or in a bad mood,they take a child to dispatch their anger.
It's really is an unforgivable things,their violence makes the innocent children become victims.
Violence is a very worse thing,though it release oneself but hurt their most beloved family and friends.Why not dispatch their anger and pressure with other methods but violence?The use of violence is really a very irrational and stupid way to satisfy their own desires.
In this novel,I feel deep pity and affection for the Baby,who in a prolonged exposure to bear the language violence,because of his father's father's mental stress she became the innocent victim.
Subjected to daily abuse,her father dispatch his dissatisfaction and to make sense of his own meet.
Hope that violence can stop happenning in this world as much as possible.