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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 14:22:36
I try desperately to become an actuary who chases the future uncertainty.
According to the survey,until today,there are only 40 qualified actuaries.In Shanghai,the economy center of China,there is purportedly only 30+ actuaries distributed in 10 life insurance companies,obviously the number is much far from meeting the demand of the insurance development.
Some experts even said that,China’s only got 2 actuaries according to the UK standard,and got 0 to that of the USA.
China,as a country with the most population in the world,it’s Insurance and social welfare business shall flourish following the state development.However,for the data stated before,there is extremely lack of actuary,I think China need more and more actuaries qualified universally.
Influenced by my grandma,an accountant and my father,a math teacher,I love math,especially some kind of complicated figure solution.在学校的数学课程方面,我最喜爱和擅长的是函数,因为当我提前完成高中数学的学习后后,我发现大部分的问题都可以用函数来解决,例如不等式和解析几何.也许过程可能绕了弯路,但谨慎些总会算出一个正确答案.这也是我一直坚持的座右铭:“不要害怕走错路,不要害怕走弯路,只要方向正确,就要自信地尽你所能的走下去,一定会到达你要去的地方.” Admittedly ,Maybe I get not much creativity as a student educated in spoon-feed mode,but challenge and pressure remained harmonic with a brave heart.Yet whereby a common person became an actuary who stick to dig out the answer taking every factor,no matter the difficulty.
课外活动方面,I am a master in the Chess .并且夺得了去年的学校Chess Champion 同时我也是main founders of the Chess Club .每周五都是我们社团活动的时间,而为了吸引更多的人参加进我们的社团,我更是增加了围棋和中国象棋进入社团活动,因此我们的社团获得了学校“年度优秀社团”的称号.同时,我从小就喜欢足球,虽然没有经过专业性的训练,但我当了两年的校足球队的defender .两年的联赛让我深刻了解到团队合作的重要性,尤其是作为后防线球员之间的配合更是起到了胜负的关键.
作为一名还差一个月才成年的人来说,我的社会活动并不缺乏.从初中开始,我就经常去Nursing House 陪孤寡老人聊天,有时也会做一些清洁工作.去年夏天,我参加了大连阳光义工的海滩拾垃圾活动,为了大连这个美丽的海滨城市出了一份力.甚至我还有一段短暂的销售经历.在未来,可能的话我真的期望去当2012伦敦奥运会的志愿者,以满足我因为age limited而不能参加2008 Beijing 奥运会的遗憾.
Actuaries,who coordinate and balance the economy,are compared to the first violin by international society.By coincidence I am a violinist.And I have the confidence and ambition to graduate from your University and accumulate experience to be a qualified actuary in 7-8 years,for the better of insurance and social welfare business in China or USA.
During school learning,i'm interested in and good at function because when i finished my mathmatics work ahead of time,i rechecked and found that many qustions can be solved by function such as inequality and analytic geometry.Perhaps i chose a complecated way,but carefulness dose finally come to a correct answer.That can also be best reflected in my motto:don't be afraid of going in a wrong directionand don't fear to choose a difficult road.once you're confident enough to reach the end guided by a right orientation,you can make it.
课外活动方面,I am a master in the Chess .并且夺得了去年的学校Chess Champion 同时我也是main founders of the Chess Club .每周五都是我们社团活动的时间,而为了吸引更多的人参加进我们的社团,我更是增加了围棋和中国象棋进入社团活动,因此我们的社团获得了学校“年度优秀社团”的称号.同时,我从小就喜欢足球,虽然没有经过专业性的训练,但我当了两年的校足球队的defender .两年的联赛让我深刻了解到团队合作的重要性,尤其是作为后防线球员之间的配合更是起到了胜负的关键.
In extracurricular activities,as main founders of the chess club,I am a master in Chess and got chess champion in school level last year.Our club holds events on Fridays.In order to attract more students to join us,we put Go and Chinese chess into club activities and as a result our club was honoured the title of"annual excellent club".Moreover I like football since i was a child.Though without specialized training,i served as a defender of school team for two years.The two-year league experience had me realised the importance of team work especially for a defender who even can determine the final resuts of a match.
作为一名还差一个月才成年的人来说,我的社会活动并不缺乏.从初中开始,我就经常去Nursing House 陪孤寡老人聊天,有时也会做一些清洁工作.去年夏天,我参加了大连阳光义工的海滩拾垃圾活动,为了大连这个美丽的海滨城市出了一份力.甚至我还有一段短暂的销售经历.在未来,可能的话我真的期望去当2012伦敦奥运会的志愿者,以满足我因为age limited而不能参加2008 Beijing 奥运会的遗憾.
Though there is one month from being called an adult, i don't fall short of doing social activities.Since the moment of being a middle schooler,i often went to nursing house to chat with the lonely old people and sometimes did some cleaning. Last summer,i joined"Dalian Sunshine Voluntary Social Activities" to pick up rubbish along the seashore,contributing my own effort to the beary of Dalian.I even had an experiende of being a salesman.With a regret of not qualifying to join the Beijing 2008 Olymipic Games because of age limited,i hope to be a volunteer in London 2012 Olymipic Games if conditions are permitted.
人翻的 花了快一小时了 楼主采纳吧
英语翻译PS:英文部分是翻译过的,中文部分是没有翻译的.可以不完全按照中文意思翻译,也可以对原英文部分进行改动.力求翻译 英语翻译中文部分是我写的,要翻译成英语作文,下面的英文是我写的,帮我改改,或者重新翻译都可以,我们来谈谈创作.对大部分人 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:1.记得曾有人对我说:如果你几乎一整天都在睡觉,你可以 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:说实话,我的烂英文有吓到你吗?我的翻译:To be h 英语翻译我给的中文是前一段我翻译好的,供大家上下文参考.下一段很难,我不太懂,请大家帮忙翻译英文部分.(人名,缩写可以不 考研英语一的翻译题有没有把中文翻译成英文的部分? 英语翻译PS:这篇文章是我的Personal Statement 的初稿,部分内容已经翻译好了,中文部分是没翻译的.希望 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:学习太痛苦,需要美食平衡一下.我的翻译:Study i 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:感谢您的回信.如果可以的话我想向您预约一个时间.关于这 英语翻译PS:顺便翻译几句就可以了,我主要是用歌词去找出这首歌,因为软件搜不出来我要的是英文,不是中文, 有没有翻译的软件,就是写出中文就能译出英文的那种,类似的也可以 英语翻译请看清楚问题,不要带中文音频翻译的,要听英文.如果有中文字幕更好,没有也可以.