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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 22:43:11
常有的 如:on in for……
1. wake up 醒来,唤醒 get up 起床
2. go to school 去上学 go home 回家
3. go dancing / shopping / skating / swimming 去跳舞;购物、滑冰;游泳
go doing something 可用于表达去进行某种娱乐休闲活动.
4. 表示交通方式:
on foot 步行
by boat 坐船 by ship 坐船 by air 乘飞机
by plane 乘飞机 by train 坐火车 by subway 搭乘地铁
by car 坐小汽车 by bus 坐公共汽车 by bike 骑自行车
5. take the subway / bus / car 搭乘地铁;公共汽车;小汽车
6. drive a car to work = go to work by car 驾车去上班
take a bus to work = go to work by bus 乘公共汽车去上班
go to school on foot = walk to school 步行去上学
7. ride a bike / horse 骑自行车;骑马
8. after school / class 放学以后;下课以后
9. play the piano / guitar / violin 弹钢琴;吉他;小提琴
play basketball / soccer / football 打篮球;踢足球;打橄榄球
play computer games 玩电脑游戏
play with a computer 玩电脑
play sports 做运动
10. next to 紧挨着,在…旁边
11. a plan of my school 一幅我们学校的平面图
12. on weekdays 在工作日
at weekends 在周末
13. have breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner / meals 吃早餐;中餐;晚餐;正餐;一日三餐
have classes / lessons / a meeting 上课;上课;开会
14. watch TV / movies / games / the animals 看电视;电影;比赛;动物
read novels / newspapers / books 看小说;报纸;书
15. wash one’s face / clothes 洗脸;衣服
16. 反义词:up – down, early – late 近义词:quickly – fast
get up early 早起 be late for 迟到
17. the first / second / third / fourth day 第一;二;三;四天
18. clean the house 打扫房子
19. 表示建筑物(尤其学校建筑物):
on the playground 在操场
at school / home / table 在学校;家里;桌旁
in a computer room / teachers’ office / classroom building / gym / library / lab / canteen
20. around six o’clock = at about six o’clock 大约在六点
21. 频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always
Topic 2 How often do you have an English class?
1. 学科名词:
政治 语文 数学 英语 历史 地理 生物 音乐 体育 美术
politics Chinese math English history geography biology music P.E. Art
2. 一周七天名词:
星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
3. swimming pool 游泳池
4. listen to music 听音乐 write letters 写信 go roller-skating 滑滑轮
go shopping 去购物 have an English class 上英语课 go to the park 去公园
meet friends 会见朋友 draw pictures 画画 play sports 做运动
watch TV 看电视 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 play soccer 踢足球
work on math problems 解答数学题 take exercises 做运动
learn about the past 学习历史 learn how to read and write in Chinese 学着用中文读写
play ball games with my classmates 和我的同班同学玩球类游戏
5. be good at = do well in 擅长于… I am good at English. = I do well in English.
6. be different from 与…不同 the same as 与…相同
7. do outdoor activities 进行户外活动
8. every week 每周 each day 每天 three times a week 每周三次
9. 反义词:boring – interesting difficult – easy begin – finish
近义词:difficult – hard
10. care about 关心;担心
11. try to do something 尝试去做某事
12. do one’s best 尽力去做某事 do one’s homework 做家作
13. like doing something = love doing something 喜欢做某事
hate doing something 讨厌做某事
14. noon break 午休
15. at half past six = at thirty past six = at six thirty六点半 at seven o’clock = at seven 在七点
at five fifteen = at fifteen past five = at a quarter past five五点十五分
at fifteen to ten = at a quarter to ten = at nine forty-five 九点四十五分
16. for a little while 就一会儿
17. a student of Grade One 一年级的学生
18. eat out 出去吃
19. get home 到家
Topic3 I like the school life here.
1. 反义词:first – last , borrow – return / give back end –begin easy—hard
Interesting—boring lost—found
同义词: end—be over , study—learn , of course –certainly/ sure , return –give back
come from—be from (be= am/ is / are ), have class—have lesson
2. 名词单数转化复数:life – lives shelf – shelves leaf – leaves half – halves child--children
名词变成形容词:wonder – wonderful, use – useful, care – careful, beauty - beautiful
interest – interesting, excite – exciting 3. between… and… 在…与…之间 4. school hall 学校大厅

Unit 6 Our Local Area
Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study?
1、in front of 在……的前面 2、hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 2、next to 靠近 3、give back归还
4、for a while 一会儿 5、go upstairs 上楼 6、have a look 看一看 7、put away 把……收起来
8、play with a ball 玩球 9、on the second floor 在第二层 10、look after 照顾;照看;照料;保管
Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office?
1、thousands of成千上万的 2、a public phone公用电话 3、get to到达 4、the way to the station去车站的路 5、be far from远离…… 6、traffic lights交通灯 7、across from在(街,路等)的对面 8、between…and…在……和……之间 9、the information desk咨询处 10、on the left在左边;on the right在右边

Unit 7 The Birthday Party
Topic1 Can you dance?
1、Happy Birthday!生日快乐! 2、take photos拍照 3、work out作出,解决 4、how about/what about如何,怎样 5、fly kites放风筝 6、row a boat划船 7、perform ballet ]表演芭蕾舞 8、dance the disco跳迪斯科 9、make model planes做飞机模型 10、draw pictures画画 11、show sb. sth.给某人看某物 12、two years ago两年前 13、be in hospital(生病)住院
Topic2 When is your birthday?
1.first of all首先
2.have a birthday party举行生日晚会(聚会)
3.have a special dinner吃一顿特殊的晚餐
4.forget to do sth.忘记去做某事
5.That’s a good idea!真是好主意!
6.make a cake做蛋糕
7.be born出生
8.the shape of ……的形状
9.I’m afraid…我恐怕,我担心……
Topic3 We had a wonderful party.
lots of=a lot of 许多
tell a lie撒谎
in fact事实上,实际上
fall down跌倒
be funny有趣
have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快
blow out 吹灭
not…at all一点也不,根本不
not …till/until直到……才
hurt oneself受伤
as well也
magic tricks魔术
rock songs摇滚歌曲
Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather
Topic1 What’s the weather like today?
1. 季节词汇:
四季名词 spring summer Autumn / fall winter
四季特征 warm hot cool cold
四季色彩 green bright yellow white
四季活动 hike swim climb mountains make snowmen
2. 天气词汇:
天气名词 rain wind cloud snow sun fog
对应形容词 rainy windy cloudy snowy sunny Foggy
3. in spring / summer / fall / winter 在春天;夏天;秋天;冬天
4. go climbing mountains / shopping / swimming
5. quite = very 很,相当
6. come back to life 复苏,复活
7. 名词转化为形容词:hope – hopeful care – careful
8. from December to February 从十二月到二月
9. fall off 落下;掉落
10. weather report 天气预报
11. a hopeful season 一个充满希望的季节 the harvest season丰收的季节
12. come after 紧跟其后
13. get warmer and warmer 变得越来越暖和
14. make dinner 做饭 make tea 泡茶 make faces 做鬼脸 make friends 交朋友
make wishes 许愿 make a mistake 犯错误 make a noise 制作噪音
make a sentence 造句 make sure 确信 make dumplings 包饺子
1. the summer / winter holiday 暑假;寒假 2. talk about 谈论到,谈及 3. holiday plans 假日计划 4. want to go 想去 want to do something = would like to do something 想做某事
hope to do something 希望做某事 plan to do something 计划做某事 5. around the country 环绕国家 6. take pictures / photos of 给…照相 7. the local people / food 当地人;当地食物
8. places of interest 名胜古迹 9. celebrate something with somebody 和某人一起庆祝某事
10. get together with somebody 和某人聚会在一起 11. go on a trip去旅游 make one’s trip 旅行 make a holiday 度假 go for a holiday 去度假 be on holiday = go on holiday 在度假 take a holiday = have a holiday 休假 12. have a good time = have a great time = have a wonderful time = have a nice time = have fun 玩得很高兴 13. on the beach 在海滩上 14. tell somebody something about something 告诉某人一些事情关于某个事物 15. the best time 最佳时间 16. enter someone’s home 进入某人家里 17. take off your shoes 脱鞋子 18. go out 出去 go back 回去 19. point to 指着 20. eat with your left hand 用左手吃东西 21. Muslin countries 穆斯林国家 22. touch somebody on someplace 触摸某人的某个部位 23. make the OK sign 做个好了的手势 24. arrive on time 按时到达 25. a little later晚一点 26. pass something to somebody 传递某物给某人
1. 节日名称:
The Spring Festival New Year’s Eve Lantern Day Tomb–sweeping Festival
春节 除夕 元宵节 清明节
Dragon Boat Festival Mid-autumn Festival Double Ninth Festival
端午节 中秋节 重阳节
Teachers’ Day Mother’s Day Children’s Day National Day
教师节 母亲节 儿童节 国庆节
Women’s Day Army’s Day Party’s Birthday Youth Day
妇女节 建军节 党的生日 青年节
April Fool’s Day Christmas Thanks-giving Day Halloween
愚人节 圣诞节 感恩节 复活节
2. make dumplings 包饺子 3. perform lion and dragon dances 表演舞狮子和舞龙
4. give each other presents 互赠礼物 5. dress up 盛装打扮,乔装打扮 6. the most important 最重要 7. stay up 熬夜 8. gaze at 观看 9. get dark 变黑 10. have a family get-together 举行家庭聚会 11. prepare for 为…做准备 12. go trick-or-treating 去玩“是恶作剧还是请客”
13. knock on 敲打 14. play tricks on somebody 捉弄某人 15. enjoy doing something 享受做某事 16. be in bed 入睡 17. send…to 把…送到…;寄… 18. colored lights / candles 彩灯;彩烛 19. on Christmas Eve 在圣诞节前夜 20. lunar May 5th 农历五月五 21. hold dragon boat races 举行龙舟赛 22. eat rice dumplings 吃粽子 23. the birthday of China 中国的生日
24. the capital city of China 中国的首都城市 25. Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场 26. watch the national flag go up 观看升国旗 27. a seven-day holiday 七天的假期