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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 03:38:47
一、汉译英对市场的变化作出及时反应并非易事.营销经理必须及时设计出新产品(把何种属性纳入到新产品中)、为顾客设计合理的价格、到哪里去销售产品和花多少钱来做广告和进行促销或进行网站推广.同时,他们也必须关注一些细节,如为新包装确定准确的词汇或颜色.对于企业而言,最大的风险就是没有能够认真的对顾客和竞争对手进行监视,也没能够持续改进其产品与服务.他们只是注重短期利益,奉行销售之上的原则,结果无法满足股东、员工、供应商和渠道商的需求.实际上,精妙的市场营销往往是一个永无止境的过程.二、英译汉Themarketing vice president of a major European airline wants to increase theair-line’s traffic share.His strategy is to build up customer satisfaction byproviding better food,cleaner cabins,better-trained cabin crews.And lowerfares,yet he has no authority in these matters.The catering departmentchooses food that keeps food costs down; the maintenance department usescleaning services that keep cleaning costs down; the human resources departmenthires people without regard to whether they are naturally friendly; the financedepartment sets the fares.Because these departments generally take a cost orproduction point of view,the vice president of marketing is stymied in hisefforts to create an integrated marketing mix.
It is not easy to timely respond to the market change. The marketing manager must finish the design of a new product (what kind of nature shall be included in the new design), define a reasonable price for the customer, where to make and how much money to spend on advertisement, as well as carrying out promotion (including web promotion). Meanwhile, they must pay attention to the details, for example, determine the proper wording and color on the package. With regard to Enterprise, the biggest risk is that they neither monitor seriously the customers and competitors, nor continuously improve their product and service. They only concentrate to the short-term benefit and take the sales as their first priority. This results in that they can not satisfy their shareholders, employees, suppliers and distributors. In fact, ingenious marketing is an endless ever process in most cases.



英语翻译一、汉译英对市场的变化作出及时反应并非易事.营销经理必须及时设计出新产品(把何种属性纳入到新产品中)、为顾客设计 英语翻译产品专家需要组织客户参与新产品的设计以及新产品的测试.技术专家可以回答客户的技术问题.客服人员可以及时的对客户的 英语翻译推出新产品,是企业发展中十分重要的一件事,而开发出新产品之后的首要问题即是产品的市场推广,一个好的新产品,即有人 在( )和( )的调节下,人体的各个系统相互联系,使人体形成一个整体,能及时对环境的变化作出反应 在( )和( )的调节下,人体的各个系统互相联系,是人体形成一个整体,能及时对变化的环境作出反应. 英语翻译1、对新产品制造过程工艺性设计进行控制,确保新产品制造过程能满足产品批量生产的要求.2、适用于公司新产品制造过程 英语翻译公司制定《客户投诉管理制度》和《产品召回制度》,对客户投诉的处理进行分级管理,使之得到最及时处理和回馈,达到顾客 英语翻译顾客关系管理(CRM)在缺乏信息共享、及时整合和营销管理功能下,只发挥信息采集的技术层面功能,这是星级酒店顾客关 在()和()的调节下,人体的各个系统相互联系,使人体形成一个整体,能及时对变化的环境作出反应 英语翻译经理,您好!这两天还是很忙吧!马上就到外用产品热销的季节了,您看我们什么时候沟通一下,我好及时安排配合您下一步的 英语翻译三.产品的设计开发.该系列车型是我公司专门为特定市场开发的产品.该产品的设计充分考虑了石材市场专用产品载重量大、 长鬃山羊和梅花鹿有发达的______和______,能对外界环境及时作出反应.