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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 10:33:15
Sufferingis a temper,is also a kind ofpractice
Wealmost every one,theremay bearough experience,who,should beso.In fact,inthe course of our lives,there are manymemories aregenerated in thebumpy,theywantis aclassic unparalleled,so thatfor a long timepast,we don'twant to put itaway.I think thatmemory isa process,want tohave a lookat that moment,how I amfrom thosehard yearsout,havea piece ofas boundless as the sea and sky.Despite theups and downsis adilemma,butwe are hard to understand,issuffering.From this point of view,difficulties andsuffering iscompletely different.Life is composed ofmanymicroelements,of which the most important is,the heartof understanding,alsois a kind oflife consciousness.Lifeconsciousness ishigh,no matter whatalwaysregard it asthe growth of life,oris the soul of themetamorphosis.
We shouldlearn to look atproblems.Difficulties arelet usunforgettable,with itsoriginal meaning,any life,noisy,or quiet,withoutsuffering of temper,isnot alwaysgrow.Only to see thechangesevery day is different,it issurelythephysiological changes.
But whowants to haveeverything is going smoothly.Life,but thatseems tootoo insipid.The lifeweneedpay attention tolight,in a piece ofsea,slowlysearching,until you findwhat kind ofposition,the most suitable for their ownsoulhabitat,the mosteasy to hearthe realvoice ofthe heart.It is the soulof the flat,not everyonecan dodull,dullis the need forlife,to have a certain understanding,understanding.Only throughthe suffering of thepeople,in order torealizeinsipidflavor,thatlife is liketea,is a kind ofway.
Lifeis oftenneedonlytotea,teapeople,life will becompletelydifferent from the others,saidunderstanding,will bemuch higher.Tea,taste isthe fragrance of tea,live,liveisthe flavor.Not all people,all think thattea isused goods,alsosome people thinkteanononcoffeedrinks,is a kind of enjoymentof life.I thinktea andcoffee,teais not only anart,oracoffeeisan art.Be good atthinking for away,teaalwayspay attention to the speed,is not very fast,but veryslow.Iliketea,Idrink slowly,all I want isasingingaftertheteafragrance.I finallyunderstand a truth,tealike life,is the need offinegoods.
Our lifethere isexcessive,excessiveperiodoftenlonely.Afraid of lonely people,always escapethis time,think of all thesufferingexperienced,life is reallyvery sad.Some peoplelook at life,notthesubjectivemind on themainposition,they believe thateverything isfate.You aresuffering,the fate ofhis ownarrangements.Everythingin this world,as long asthere's,there's always a reason to exist.
To know thatthis idea isfull ofphilosophy,philosophy is a kind ofthought,integrate the lifebecomes a kind ofattitude.Philosophy of lifeis not simple,philosophy oflife,actually very simple,as long as youget everythingseems normal,is philosophy.Philosophyoriginates from the life,I believe that nophilosophy of lifeisdull,be cast into the shade.(lifewww.lz13.cn)none of thephilosopher is notfrom thelifeto come out,but alsoareexperiencedsuffering,and found that lifeis actually a kind oftruth,a kind of thought;it is an invisibleline.
Life isart,love artandlive,to old agewill not be toosad.Becausethere is areason to think thatthis life,live veryvalue,whetherthe life and death,I haveseen throughthe rest of thetruth.Peoplehave to pursue,don'task,seekthething is not much,butlife andlove.Also includethe affection and love.
Loveisforlife,produced a great influencefactors.Most peoplelove is verysmooth,these people are actuallydon't understand true love.A pair of loverscuddleall day,it is not love,justuse each other.Onlythe lovelornpeople will knowwhat love is,itis in theprocess oflooking for,a kind of yearning.
For feelingtrappedpeople oftentake lovemore than life,this isreal.Lifeisdear.Loveisdearer.Bothcanbe given upforfreedom.Life is very important,so thatpeoplecan only seethe value of lifeis alsoaware ofthe precious love,oncein love witha person willcherish.
Inowhaveisthe main direction ofcareer.Is the cause ofall theambitions ofpeopleyearn for,butsome people in theyouthto the cause,buthad to give uplove,this kind of personI admire.Weappreciate a person,in essence,to enjoy his spirit,aspirit,decidedhe willstand on what kind ofheight.Peoplewiththis kind ofpeopleis notcompletely different,there aresome similarities,they arelonging for love,but froma certainpoint of view theyrealize whatyoureally need.Young peoplefall in lovesimplytaking advantage of each other,not manywill experiencethe true meaning of love.Whether forbusinesstravelorlovelorn peopleinunderstandingthe totalhigher than normalone,thismeantthey facelifewithoutvirtualemptiness,reallyhave their own opinion.
Love will becomeone oftheplatform.No onein which to dotheseboringwandering,many of my friendssaidshe willchange,old not newto.At the mostjustlovelornsadfor a while,a few days is alively bounce.Thepeople have noprospect of success,often can notunderstand the meaning of life.While the ability ofwandering in thelove ofsufferingpeople are oftenthose wholikelooking foroneself.Aliveis nottheir own,may have onlya shadow.The true selfisburieddeep in the heartof theheart,notlooking forcould not be found.Sopeople from theconcepts ofhigher than normalmany,oncethey find the realselfis bound toopena large gapwith the ordinary peoplein the future.Peoplestanding on the top of the hill,he stoodin the cloud.
Sufferingis a temper,tomake good use of thepeople isa kind of self-cultivation.Get a lotfrom,soa class ofpeoplelifeand enlightened,need tofeel.The essence oflife is essentiallyaway,each personhas a uniqueway,enlightenment andalsoa taste ofthe so-calledsuccess.Outstanding peoplemanyis soout of thehouse,not to mention theliterature.Just sowecanalwayssomeoutstanding"home".
In fact,whatarethe same,thelifeis full of suffering.The societyalso havenosufferingand successful people,can only say thatthey were lucky.Luckyis not aconcept,is a special kind ofopportunity.On the sameplatform,these peoplethantoexperience sufferingand successfulpeoplea lot worse.Nounderstanding oflife,perhaps,but nothowprofound.The generalhasinfluentialfigures are allknowdeep enoughforlife,which issufferingfromthem,it should be.
Life can beindifferent,life canhave no beg.Nolife is extremelyoptimistic,noprayerlife is extremelypessimistic.Optimism and pessimismcannotoffset,a complete life,the two sharea certain proportion.The success of thelife,isnot to the exclusion ofoptimism and pessimism,exist at the same timeit makes lifesobeautiful.Weoftensee onlyits appearance,some times orpessimismprevailed,to theday,they think theyhave enoughability to make theoptimistic,everything returned tothe originalnature.
I amthe lifefrom birth tocareer successis actually achangelike this,howeverthe changedlife moreattractive,morefull of vitality.Because they know,soexperience,whatthepursuit,thepursuit ofwhatis not,what to cherish,what togive up,is already veryclear.