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英语翻译 快点……Mr Johnson is having troubIe with his stomach. (n.胃

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 12:41:13
英语翻译 快点……
Mr Johnson is having troubIe with his stomach. (n.胃), so he  goes to see a bactor can`t find any problem,. Then he saye,"Well, there`s nothing serious (adj. 严重的) Stop smoking and then you`ll be all right very soon."   "But doctor," answers Mr Johnso, "T never smoke. I don`t  like smoking at all ."  "Oh, I see,"says the doctor , "then stop drinking alcohol ." "But l don`t drink alcohol ," answers Mr Johnson.  "Don`t drink too much coffee  then ," the doctor says to him.  "l uaually drink water," answers Mr Johnson. "l never like tea or coffdee ."   The doctor thinks for a while and then says,"Well, what doyou like to eat then?"  "Potatoes. l always have potatoes, lunch and supper," Mr Johnson answers.  "All righe, then stop eating potatoes," says the doctor  as he up to say goodye to Mr Johnson                                          终于打完了……  谁给我翻译一下捏?
英语翻译 快点……Mr Johnson is having troubIe with his stomach. (n.胃
约翰逊先生胃不舒服,于是他去看医生.但医生没发现什么问题, 就说:
“啊,没事,别再抽烟, 你很快就好了.”
“可是医生”约翰逊先生答到“我从来不抽烟, 我根本不喜欢抽烟.”
“奥, 知道了.”医生说“那就别喝酒.”
医生想了一会, 然后说“啊, 那你喜欢吃什么?”
“土豆. 我午饭和晚饭总吃土豆.”约翰逊先生回答说.

我也终于打完了... 希望你能珍视他人的劳动和智慧, 真真切切从中学到东西而不是单单为应付作业, 好吗?!