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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 09:07:40
译文:In China, with the continuous improvement of people's living standard, and self care to enhance awareness of, accelerating the pace of life, the people to the needs of the OTC products presents the fast growth the situation, for the domestic and foreign pharmaceutical production enterprise show attractive prospect of development. And the current OTC market marketing mode protean, cannot leave a consumer demand orientation change, with China's consumer spending have idea to rational perceptual transformation, each enterprise and products take marketing mode must also corresponding adjustment and change, which is not in conformity with the slowly, or adjustment of demand, may be market elimination. At present, our country is the world's most populous country, and the population is still growing, absolute number; As the people's living standard and the continuous improvement of the economic income, medicine health care consumption of urban residents get the universal attention; At the same time, the population aging in our country trend accelerate, 60 years or older is 160 million, accounting for 12% of the total population, this part of the crowd of medical consumption ratio will more and more big; In addition, with the deepening of the new medical, OTC market will also be stronger. Facing huge potential of OTC stock market, how should we seize the opportunity, how to create a conducive to their own survival and development of the space?
英语翻译在我国,随着人民生活水平的不断提高、自我保健意识的不断增强、生活节奏的不断加快,人们对OTC药品的需求呈现出快速 英语翻译随着京津冀地区的社会经济高速发展和人民生活水平不断提高,人们对旅游的需求不断上升,许多人在经历了长线游的辛苦之后 英语翻译:随着科技的发展和人类生活节奏的不断加快,人们生活方式不得不呈现出向电子信息化发展的趋势. 英语翻译随着我国人民生活水平的不断提高,对于更高层次的需求也在不断地提高.就在这样的环境下,我国餐饮行业得到飞速发展的机 英语翻译摘要近几年来,人们的生活质量不断提高,人们的健康意识的也不断增强,参加体育锻炼的人也越来越多.但由于社会、学校等 英语翻译随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们的饮食和消费观念在不断的改变,外出用餐变的更加的经常化和理性 英语翻译随着社会不断的发展,人民生活水平的不断提高.当今的社会私家车已在不知不觉中进入到千家万户.同时,随之而衍生出的许 摘 要:近年来,随着我国经济快速发展人民生活水平不断提高,全国各地掀起建筑热朝,大量的建筑不断增加, 英语翻译随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对物质和精神方面的需求也在不断增加.数码产品不仅满足了我们的物质需求,同时也充实了我 英语翻译随着人们的生活节奏加快,生活方式也不断发生了改变,同学之间的交流不再只依靠电话、书信,取而代之的是方便快捷的网络 英语翻译项目风险管理是项目管理的重要内容,随着科技的迅速发展和人们生活节奏的不断加快,社会环境瞬息万变,各大型工程项目所 英语翻译随着改革开放的不断深入和国民经济建设的快速、持续发展,我国对物流的需求不断扩大,中小型物流企业也像雨后春笋般大量