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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 02:27:02
比如这句话this is for you to decide.
for you属于什么成分,to decide又是什么成分?
要么是this is for you这玩意儿是给你的
要么是it is for you to decide 这事儿由你来决定.
而且it is for you to decide是省略了decide的宾语the thing因为说话双方都知道
it is for you to decide(sth.)
形主 系 表 真主语
本质上是be for sb.to do sth.结构的衍伸:
这类结构通常会借助形式主语来表达,即在句首使用形式主语,而将真正用作主语的“for+宾语+不定式”结构移至句末,于是有这样的结构it is for sb.to do sth.=to do sth.is for sb.
e.g.It is for you to decide who will be the winner.
另外be for sb.to do sth.并不拘泥于形式主语:
His idea is for us to
travel in separate cars.他的意思是我们不要同乘一辆汽车.
Our aim is for students to
learn as quickly as possible.我们的目的是让学生尽快学到东西.
She hates for people to feel sad.她不愿看到人们忧心忡忡.
didn’t mean for her to read the letter.他们并未打算让她看那封信.
intend等少数动词.不过,当有形式宾语时,这类结构用作宾语的情况倒是很普遍(注意形式宾语的使用).如:He made it very
difficult for us to refuse.他弄得我们很难拒绝.
I thought it strange for -FAMILY:
'Times New Roman'">她这么晚还不回来,我觉得有些奇怪.
It’s time for everybody to
go to bed.是大家睡觉的时候了.There’s nothing for the cats to eat.猫没有东西可吃了.Have
you got something for me to do?你给我找了什么事做吗?All that remains for me to
do is to say goodbye.剩下我所要做的就是告辞了.5.用作同位语He gave orders for one
million military personnel to demobilize.他命令100万军人复员.6.用作状语
目状I can’t wait for them to finish talking.我不能等到他们把话谈完.
结果状语The print is too small for me to read
without glasses.印刷字体太小,我不带眼镜就看不清.
条件状语How would it do for me to
write to him?我来给他写信如何?
比较状语There's nothing worse than for a
person to ill-treat a child.没有什么比虐待小孩更恶劣的了.
原因状语They made it
difficult for me to see her.他们从中作梗,让我不易见到她.
再问: 那It is adj for sb to do sth呢
再答: 这个也一样的,形式主语结构嘛~ it is for sb. to do sth. 形式主语 系 表 真主语 这个时候真主语即可以理解为to do sth也可以理解为for sb to do sth.因为be动词后面有形容词之后系表结构就已经完整了,这个for sb.你即可以理解为be动词之后又一个表语,也可以理解为他就是不定式的逻辑主语。 采纳吧采纳吧!