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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 06:44:41
1、 你一周在食堂就餐几次?
A、几乎不在 B、至多5次 C、5次以上10次以下 D、10次以上
2、 你觉得学院食堂总体就餐环境如何?
A、好 B、一般 C 、较差
3、 你觉得食堂的桌椅摆放得科学合理吗?
A、合理 B、一般 C、不合理
4、 你觉得食堂的空间大小如何?
A、很宽阔 B、一般 C、有点狭窄 D、很狭窄
A、需要 B、不需要 C、 无所谓
A、好 B、一般 C、较差 D、很差
A、已足够 B、太多了 C、不够 D、很缺乏
A、好 B、一般 C、较差 D、很差
A、很干净 B、比较干净 C、 一般 D、比较脏 E、很脏
A、很好 B、比较好 C、一般 D、比较差 E、很差
A、很多 B、比较多 C、一般 D、较少 E、几乎没有
A、很多,很脏 B、较多 C、一般 D、较少 E、几乎没有
A、很久 B、可以接受 C、比较快 D、很快
A、偏高 B、适中 C、偏低
A、营养丰富 B、营养一般 C、没有营养
A、做得好 B、我不太注意 C、偶尔不够热 D、经常碰上冷的
A、经常更新 B、还算可以 C、没什么变化 D、很死板
A、够 B、一般 C、不够
A、合理 B、基本合理 C、不怎么合理 D、很不合理
A、满意 B、较满意 C、不满意 D、很不满意
Classmate: :
Hello, we are _____ class for the investigators, and we're dining room repast environment investigation. Your opinion is very important, will help dining room better improve dining environment.
Hope you can spare a little time, accept our investigation, fill out a questionnaire. We all the situation and to your answer, just as confidential by statistics.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Your department don't grade: a long-running controversial
1, you several times a week in the dinning room?
A, B, little most 5 times C, above 5 times 10 times the following D, 10 times above
2, you think college dining room overall dining environment?
A, good B, general C, poorer
Three, you think dining room of desk and chair is put to scientific and reasonable?
A, B, general C, reasonable is not reasonable
4, you think canteen dimensional size?
A, very broad B, general C, A little narrow D, very narrow
5, you think cafeteria decorate, whether to need new more beautiful (science)?
A, need not need C, B, whatever
6, you think canteen and ventilated circumstance?
A, good B, general C, poorer D, very poor
7, you think cafeteria provide table adequate?
A, B, too much already enough, insufficient D, very C lack
8, how do you think the daylighting of the dining room?
A, good B, general C, poorer D, very poor
9, you think dining room table health condition?
A, very clean B, cleaner C, general D, dirtier E, very dirty
10, you think cafeteria workers health condition?
A, very good B, better C, general D, more bad E, very poor
11, you think dining room have many mosquitoes fly?
A, many B, more C, general D, fewer E, almost no
12, you think canteen pollution-prevention (dust, shame)?
A, many, very dirty B, more C, general D, fewer E, almost no
13, you think queuing dozen rice time is too long.
A, B, can accept C long, faster D, quickly
14, you think cafeteria food price?
A, B, C, high low moderate
15, whether you think canteen food nutrition?
A, B, nutrient rich nutrition, not nutrition. General C
16, you think cafeteria food preservation condition?
A, do well B, I don't pay much attention to C, occasionally isn't hot enough D, often with cold
17, you think cafeteria food update circumstance?
A, frequently updated B, return calculate can C, nothing changes D, dull
18, you think food portions enough?
A, B, general C, is not enough
19, do you think the opening hours of the dining room is reasonable?
A, B, basic reasonable reasonable C, not how reasonable D, very unreasonable
20, you of staff service attitude satisfaction?
A, satisfied B, satisfactory C, not satisfied D, very dissatisfied