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英语翻译1.Optical Gas Detection Open Path (line-of –sight) Gas D

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:42:51
1.Optical Gas Detection
Open Path (line-of –sight) Gas Detection employing electro-optical "spectral finger-print" analysis of the atmosphere uses the Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) technique in a unique (patented) method.The use of discriminative UV and IR narrow band filtered sensors enables the detection,identification and concentration determination of Flammable & Explosive gases migrating in the atmosphere,at concentrations well below their explosive levels.The specific systems developed for detection of flammable or toxic gases employ a flash or filament light source,which is in communication with a detector that responds to the attenuation in the light intensity caused by the presence of the gas.
This line of Optical Gas Detection Systems known as SafEye has been successfully introduced into the High Risk/High Value markets.
2.Optical Flame Detection
Flame Detection employing electro-optical analysis of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by flames in the Ultraviolet and Infrared spectral bands.The patented spectral analysis of the Flames radiation signals includes frequency and time domain analysis,cross correlations and ratios between the various sensor inputs.Unique background radiation analysis enhances the flame detection accuracy in a cluttered environment that contains various emitting sources like:direct solar radiation,heaters and burners,light projectors,high voltage sparks and welding radiation,extreme temperature conditions.
This line of Optical Flame Detectors named SharpEye was developed and introduced into the safety and high risk/high value fire protection markets.The SharpEye series includes UV,UV/IR,Triple IR (IR3) and CCTV Optical Flame Detectors.
3.Explosion & Fire conditions Detection
Explosion & Fire conditions can be detected very early by monitoring their environmental characteristics such as:changes in temperature and pressure caused by gaseous decomposition processes,radiation emitted during such processes,decomposition by-products that can be monitored at very low concentrations in air.
Monitoring combustion products such as:CO2,CO,NOx,HC (unburned hydrocarbons),etc.,at very low concentrations in air (at PPM levels) enables very early and reliable detection of these conditions.
The SafEye line of Optical Gas Analysis Systems includes UV and IR specific models.
4.Military Explosion Detection and Suppression Systems
SAFE line of military vehicle fire and explosion detection and suppression systems was developed by Spectrex Inc.in order to protect personnel from skin burns and pressure shock.
The systems suppress gas or vapor explosions in less than 150 milliseconds,with a speed of response of less than 3 milliseconds.Suppression is activated in less than 5 milliseconds to discharge and disperse the agent,thus providing a uniform extinguishing concentration.
The systems have been incorporated successfully in thousands of military vehicles worldwide
英语翻译1.Optical Gas Detection Open Path (line-of –sight) Gas D
用于光电一体化的"光谱指纹图" 大气分析的开路式(视距)气体检测器使用了差分吸收光谱技术 (DOAS)这种独家专利技术.差分式紫外/红外狭缝滤光传感器可对逃逸到大气中的易燃易爆气体进行检测、鉴定和浓度测定,并且远在其爆炸极限水平之下即可做出这些工作.这个专为易燃或有毒气体检测而开发的系统采用闪光或白炽灯光源,光源与检测器连接通讯可对气体存在时光密度的变化做出反应.这个称为“SafEye”的光学气体检测系统已经成功用于高风险/高产值市场.
火焰检测器对远紫外区和红外区的火焰释放的电磁辐射进行电子-光学分析.这项被授权专利的火焰辐射信号光谱分析技术包括频率和时间域分析以及不同传感器输入的交叉相关性和比值分析.独一无二的背景辐射分析增强了火焰检测器在包含各种释放源的多变环境中检测的精确度,这些背景干扰包括:直接太阳辐射、加热和燃烧装置、光投影仪、高压电火花,焊弧辐射及极端的环境条件.这个称为“SharpEye”的光学火焰检测器被开发并用于安全设备市场及高风险/高产值的防火设备市场.SharpEye系列产品包括紫外、紫外/红外、 三重红外(IR3)和闭路电视光学火焰检测器.
爆炸/火灾条件可以用监控其环境变量的方式提前检测到,这些环境变量例如:由气体分解引起的温度和压力的变化 ,分解释放的辐射、气体分解副产物等,其中分解副产物可在空气中非常低的浓度下得到检测.燃烧产物例如:二氧化碳、一氧化碳、氮的各价态氧化物、HC (未燃尽的烃类)等可在很低的浓度下(PPM数量级) 得到监控,给提前检测和可靠检测提供了条件.SafEye光学气体分析系统包括紫外和红外专用模型.