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英语翻译Five days after the London marathon,when the hard experi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 01:32:18
Five days after the London marathon,when the hard experience and muscle ache were just memory for every other runner,Lloyd Scott,a cancer survivor,lumbered (行动迟钝) across the finish line in his deep-sea diver’s suit to a hero’s welcome yesterday.
Lloyd was interviewed by reporters from BBC and he introduced his difficult experience of his unforgettable London marathon."During the time I'm walking,I have to pay attention to a great deal.Although I used to be a firefighter,I can’t get used to putting on the cold,heavy,wet deep-sea diver’s suit to run the marathon.At such bad moments,I think of the money I'm raising for Clic which provides a service for children and families.But the hardest thing happens exactly each morning.When I wake up,I have to find out what hurts and how much.You can not imagine how hard it is to get into the cold and wet diving suit with all your muscles still cold and having to think about what will happen next,because I also have very poor eyesight and cannot see the broken stones on the roadside.”
Excellent example
Paul Simons,an officer,thinks Lloyd has demonstrated a very British sense of determination.He describes Lloyd as an excellent example to all the nation,who has a unique part of British character that the whole people need.Karen Sugarman,another fundraiser of Clic thinks of Lloyd as Superman and an inspiration to many of the sufferers throughout the UK.
Years ago,Lloyd was diagnosed (诊断) with cancer,he told himself it was not his end.He has come through that darkest period and he hopes that this run will encourage anyone else not to give up hope.
As a cancer survivor,Lloyd Scott is a mixture of fundraiser and inspiration.He is serious about his charity work for Cancer and Children Care.He really did something ‘larger than life’ that is very close to his heart.He once ran across the Jordan Desert dressed as Indian Jones,climbed the Everest and walked to the South Pole… and this time his London marathon run successfully won him a place in the record books - for the slowest ever marathon.
英语翻译Five days after the London marathon,when the hard experi
五天后,当这场艰难的经历和随之而来的肌肉痛已经成为每一位跑步者不可磨灭的记忆时,就在昨天,Lloyd Scott(劳埃德·斯科特),一个行动迟缓的癌症幸存者,穿着他那深海的潜水服跑过了这个欢迎英雄的终点线.
Paul Simons(保罗·西蒙斯),一个公司职员,认为Lloyd已经充分展示了一个真正的英国人的决心.他认为Lloyd作为全国的典范,拥有一个英国人性格品质中独一无二的部分,那正是所有人民都需要的.Karen Sugarman(卡伦·休格曼),另一位Clic的筹款人,认为Lloyd就像一个超人,而他的精神鼓舞了全英国很多的患病者.
作为一个癌症幸存者,Lloyd Scott既是一个筹款者,也是一个鼓舞人心的人.他对于自己从事的关于癌症及儿童护理的慈善工作相当认真,他也确实贴近自己的心意,做了一些“重于生命”的事情.例如,他曾进打扮得就像印地安纳·琼斯那样穿过了约旦沙漠,爬上了圣母峰(珠穆朗玛峰),走过了南极.而这一次,他的伦敦马拉松之跑成功地作为“史上最慢的马拉松”被记录了下来.