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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 01:25:31
Uighur men are seen in the old town Kashgar district,Xinjiang province,China,Sept.5,2009.
On the streets of China it is a common snack,a dense nougat made from nuts,candied fruits,flour and corn syrup known informally as qiegao—literally “cut cake.” It is shaped into large,thick sheets and sold on the back of motorized tricycles by Uighurs,a central Asian ethnic group from China's far northwestern Xinjiang region.The treat is delicious,but buy it once and you'll probably never want to again.
That's because the qiegao is often sold by extortionate means.The unit price is always reasonable,but the vendor might not give you the amount you request.Instead he'll cut off a chunk that ends up costing vastly more than you expected.Once the slice is cut the peddler won't take it back and,as he's probably holding a large knife,it is unwise to argue.
On Monday a report about an altercation over the cake in central Hunan province quickly became one of the most discussed items on Chinese microblogs,revealing a current of frustration about ethnic policy in China.Police in the city of Yueyang reported that a dispute between Uighur vendors and a customer ended in a mass brawl with two people injured and the destruction of about $25,000 worth of qiegao,plus $6,500 in hospital bills and damage to the peddlers' vehicles.A local customer was arrested and 16 Uighurs sent back to Xinjiang.
The since-deleted message touched off a wave of resentment from Han Chinese.Many felt that the peddlers pulled off the mother of all qiegao scams,receiving enough in damaged cake compensation to buy a car.One widely re-posted image showed a piece of the nut cake set in a ring like a diamond.The sharpest criticism touched on the idea that the Uighurs,as members of an ethnic minority,got off easy.“Uighurs where I live rob,beat and insult people,” wrote one person from central Henan province on Sina Weibo.“You can't cross a pedestrian bridge without trembling in fear.I don't understand why the government's policies allow them to bully Han people.”
China recognizes 55 ethnic minorities who make up just 8% of the country's population.They are largely concentrated in China's northern,western and southern border regions.China follows a system of ethnic autonomy based on the Soviet model,meaning they are given nominal administrative authority in their home regions—Xinjiang for the Uighurs,Tibet for the Tibetans and Inner Mongolia for Mongolians—but in practice they have little real autonomy.Ethnic minorities are also given exemptions from the one-child policy and favorable treatment in university admissions.The goal was to break down social and economic barriers between minority groups and the Han majority.In practice,minority groups such as the Uighurs still face significant economic discrimination,while preferential policies only heighten resentment from majority Han.
Sometimes the animosity between Uighur and Han explodes with little warning.In 2009 race riots swept the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi,where young,mostly unemployed Uighur men went on a rampage,attacking Han Chinese.Days later Han vigilantes retaliated,saying that the local government was failing to protect them.All told nearly 200 people were killed,according to official reports.
Ilham Tohti,a Uighur economic professor at Minzu University who is often targeted by police for his outspoken views on discrimination in China,said that while the problem of crimes committed by Uighurs exists,that the qiegao dispute risks further fanning Uighur-Han tensions.“The problem of Uighurs committing crime isn't as frightening as some media and public figures say it is,” he wrote on his microblog Wednesday.“This not only harms Uighurs,it also brings about Han society's rejection of and discrimination against Uighurs.”
On Wednesday the Yueyang police updated their report on the incident,saying the total amount of cake damaged was over 6,000 pounds,putting the assessed value at under $5 a pound.A reasonable price,but many people will still think twice about buying.
它是中国街头一种常见的小吃,是一种由核桃,果脯,面粉和玉米麦芽糖制成的浓密的糖果,大家都叫它切糕---直译过来就是”切开蛋糕.” 它被制造成又大又厚密的样子,而且维族人是在摩托车后座上售卖,维族人是从中国边陲新疆地区来的中亚少数族群.切糕是挺美味的,但如果你买过一次就可能不会再想买.那是因为切糕通常以敲诈的手段售卖.单价常常是令人可以接受的,但小贩可能不会给你所想的量.相反,他可能会切下厚厚的一块,最后的价格会远远超过你所预期的那样.一旦切下就非买不可,并且,他可能会拿着一把长长的刀,同他争论显然是不理智的.