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2pac Me Against The World中文歌词

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 19:29:04
2pac Me Against The World中文歌词
2pac Me Against The World中文歌词
It's just me against the world 只有我对抗世界
Oooohhh, oooohhh
Nuttin to lose.. 没有东西可以输掉
It's just me against the world baby 只有我对抗世界, 宝贝
Oahhhh, oahhhahh
I got nuttin to lose 我没有东西可以输
It's just me against the world 只有我对抗世界
Stuck in the game 被游戏困住
Me against the world baby 我对抗世界, 宝贝
[Verse One: 2Pac]
Can you picture my prophecy? 你能否想像我的预知能力?
Stress in the city, the cops is hot for me 紧张的生活在这个城市, 条子想抓我都快疯了
The projects is full of bullets, the bodies is droppin 弹夹中全是子弹, 躯体在倒下
There ain't no stoppin me 没有东西可以停止我
Constantly movin while makin millions 到处奔波, 赚着大笔钞票
Witnessin killings, leavin dead bodies in abandoned buildings 目击谋杀, 弃置尸体在空置的建筑物里
Carries to children cause they're illin 带走小孩因为他们在痛苦
Addicted to killin and the appeal from the cap peelin 沈迷於杀人, 来由子弹射击的请求
Without feelin, but will they last or be blasted? 没有了感觉, 但是他们会撑到最后还是被干掉?
Hard headed bastard
Maybe he'll listen in his casket -- the aftermath 可能他会聆听
More bodies being buried -- I'm losing my homies in a hurry 更多躯体被埋葬, 我很快的失去我的兄弟
They're relocating to the cemetary 他们重新安置到墓园
Got me worried, stressin, my vision's blurried 令我担心, 紧张, 我的眼睛都模糊不清
The question is will I live? No one in the world loves me 问题就是我会不会活着? 没有人在世上爱我
I'm headed for danger, don't trust strangers 我面对着危险, 不要相信陌生人
Put one in the chamber whenever I'm feelin this anger 每当我觉得愤怒我都让一个人归西
Don't wanna make excuses, cause this is how it is 不要想去解辩, 因为这就是这样
What's the use unless we're shootin no one notices the youth
It's just me against the world baby 只有我对抗世界, 宝贝
Me against the world 我对抗世界
It's just me against the world 只有我对抗世界
Ooooh yeah, ooo-hooo
It's just me against the world 只有我对抗世界
Me against the world 我对抗世界
Cause it's just me against the world baby 因为只有我对抗世界
Me against the world 只有我对抗世界
Ooooh yeah
I got nuttin to lose 我没有东西可以输
It's just me against the world baby 只有我对抗世界
I got nothing to lose 我没有东西可以输
[Verse Two: Dramacydal]
Could somebody help me? I'm out here all by myself 有没有人可以救我?
See ladies in stores, Baby Capone's, livin wealthy 看到一位女士在商店内, 婴儿, 富裕的生活着
Pictures of my birth on this Earth is what I'm dreamin 我只能在梦中看到我出生的照片
Seein Daddy's semen, full of crooked demons, already crazy 因为爸爸的精液, 充满了诡诈的魔鬼, 已经狂疯了
and screamin I guess them nightmares as a child 叫喊着, 我推测他们在像一个小孩般在发恶梦
had me scared, but left me prepared for a while 令到我惊慌, 为留下我而准备了一阵了
Is there another route? For a crooked Outlaw 有没有给诡诈的歹徒第二条路?
Veteran, a villian, a young thug, who one day shall fall 老兵, 恶棍 , 年轻的恶徒, 那一个有一日应该要死
Everday there's mo' death, and plus I'm dough-less 每天都太多死亡, 还有我的钱愈来愈少了
I'm seein mo' reasons for me to proceed with thievin 我看到太多给我继续去偷窃的理由
Scheme on the scheming and leave they peeps grieving 计划一个计划, 离开那些悲伤的人们
Cause ain't no bucks to stack up, my nuts is backed up 因为没有钱了, 我的胆量很大,
I'm bout to act up, go load the Mac up, now watch me klacka 我即将要走歪路, 去把弹夹填满子弹, 现在看我开枪吧
Tried makin fat cuts, but yo it ain't workin (这句不明白)
And Evil's lurking, I can see him smirking 恶魔在隐藏着, 我可以看得出他在笑
when I gets to pervin, so what? 当我喝醉了, 又如何?
Go put some work in, and make my mail, makin sales (这句不明白, too)
Risking 25 with a 'L', but oh well 以二十五年的监禁作赌注, 不是很好的事
Me against the world 只有我对抗世界
With nuttin to lose 没有东西可以输
It's just me against the world 只有我对抗世界
Ooh yeah.. oooh-ooooh
It's just me against the world baby 只有我对抗世界, 宝贝
Me against the world 我对抗世界
I got nuttin to lose 我没有东西可以输
It's just me against the world 只有我对抗世界
Ha ha
It's just me against the world baby 只有我对抗世界, 宝贝
Ha-ahh, HA-AHH!
With nuttin to lose 没有东西可以输
It's just me against the world baby 只有我对抗世界, 宝贝
Me against the world, hoahhh 我对抗世界
Me against the world 我对抗世界
I got nuttin to lose 我没有东西可以输掉
It's just me against the world baby 只有我对抗世界
Ha-hahh (hehe) heyy!
[Verse Three: 2Pac]
With all this extra stressin 加上这些压力
The question I wonder is after death, after my last breath 问题是我想知道我的死后, 在我最后一口气之后
When will I finaly get to rest? Through this supression 经过这些欺压者, 我何时能得到安息?
they punish the people that's askin questions 他们惩罚人们就是问问题
And those that possess, steal from the ones without possesions 那些占有的, 都是由那些没占有的偷回来
The message I stress: to make it stop study your lessons 我所强调的信息: 去停止你的课堂
Don't settle for less - even the genius asks-es questions 不要勉强接受,
Be grateful for blessings 要感谢祝福
Don't ever change, keep your essence 不要改变, 保持你的本质
The power is in the people and politics we address 力量是在人们和
Always do your best, don't let the pressure make you panic 经常做到最好, 不要让压力令你惊慌
And when you get stranded 当你无依靠的时候
And things don't go the way you planned it 东西就不会如你所愿
Dreamin of riches, in a position of makin a difference 渴望富有, 在一个有区别的位置
Politicians and hypocrites, they don't wanna listen 政治家和伪君子, 他们不想听
If I'm insane, it's the fame made a brother change 如果我是疯子, 那就是声誉令到兄弟们改变
It wasn't nuttin like the game 没有东西像这游戏
It's just me against the world 只有我对抗世界
Me against the world 我对抗世界
Nuttin to lose 没有东西可以输
It's just me against the world baby 只有我对抗世界
Me against the world 我对抗世界
Got me stuck in the game 令到我被游戏困住
It's just me against the world 只有我对抗世界
I'd be ashamed to lose 我会羞愧的输掉
It's just me against the world baby 只有我对抗世界
Me against the world 我对抗世界
[Outro: 2Pac]
Heh, hahahahahahah
That's right 这就对了
I know it seem hard sometimes but uhh 我知道有时真时很难但啊
Remember one thing 记着一样东西
Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that 经过黑夜之后, 那是一个光亮的天
So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out 所以不论有几难, 抬起你的胸膛
Keep your head up, and handle it 抬起你的头, 搞定它
Me against the world [3X] 我对抗世界