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英语翻译今天是5.15,我们上了一节piano performance study .首先是widya弹奏的BWV 82

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 08:33:38
今天是5.15,我们上了一节piano performance study .
首先是widya弹奏的BWV 826 by J.S Bach,整体来说比较熟练,但是弹奏的时候不要紧张,
接下来是 chee yup弹奏的Liszt etude No.3 Pay Soye,我认为他在弹奏时乐感很足,
在接下来是Jing yi Zhu 弹奏的Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in A flat major BWV 862,
英语翻译今天是5.15,我们上了一节piano performance study .首先是widya弹奏的BWV 82
Today, on May 15th, we held a piano performance study lecture.
The first piece we looked at was BWV 826 by Bach, performed by Widya. Overall, it was played pretty well, but he/she should relax more and not hump over the piano. As a piece with four parts, emphasis must be placed on on the main melody, and the staccato notes must be played correctly at all times.
Next up is Liszt etude No.3 Pay Soye performed by Chee yup. I feel he knew what he wanted to communicate through the music, but perhaps due to a lack of familiarity with the piece, he often seemed unsure of what note to play next. The climax should be played with more confidence, and some emphasis added. If only his fingers could catch up to the feelings he wish to express with the music, then it'd be perfect. On the whole though, it was a good performance.
After that came Back's Prelude and Fugue in A flat major BWV 862, performed by Jing Yi Zhu. The rhythm wasn't very consistent, with him often playing faster and faster. Be sure that each note is played clearly.
if the above students can improve on these particular aspects, then I believe they'll be able to perform even better in the future.
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全是自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助—— ♥
英语翻译今天是5.15,我们上了一节piano performance study .首先是widya弹奏的BWV 82 英语翻译我叫Mary.今天是星期一,我们有六节课,上午上一节数学课,一节语文课和一节体育课.下午上一节英语课,一节电脑课 英语翻译我们今天还比赛跑步了,我的了第一名,真高兴!今天天气很暖和,并且我的心情也很好。我们今天上午上了一节体育课,体育 英语翻译今天,我们一起来学习的主题是科学与技术.首先,我们一起来看一下第一部分,科技对我们日常生活的影响.下面,我们通过 英语翻译我的英语成绩不好,害怕上英语课.今天新来了一位王老师,她给我们上了一节生动的有关体育的英语课,我发现自己对英语感 英语翻译首先说明,这段英文说的是一个研究实验的内容,“In the first study,they gave two 英语翻译全文如下今天我演讲的题目是:我们的梦首先,我要向大家拜年,祝大家在新年万事如意.时光飞逝,转眼又是一年.今天我站 英语翻译今天,是清明节,我们一家人准备去扫墓.首先我们买好了工具,如扫帚、蜡烛.然后我们出发了.乘车来到了目的地.接着, 英语翻译请翻译一下:今天是我做值日报告.首先我想纠正一个我们的错误:几周前我们讨论了世界七大奇迹,有许多是错的.事实上, 今天我们表演的节目是灰姑娘用英语翻译是 英语翻译帮我用英文翻译一篇短文,Happy Day今天,是除夕夜,是个快乐的日子.当下午5点时,我们已经吃上了香喷喷的年 英语翻译并不是所有的男孩都会弹钢琴.仅有5个男孩知道如何弹奏.