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英语翻译Two major criticisms have been advanced regardingthe use

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 15:19:38
Two major criticisms have been advanced regarding
the use of citizen assessments of municipal services for
policy purposes.' First and most generally,the validity
of subjective measures as indicators of policy performance
has been questioned.The argument is that citizen
evaluations do not match objective output measures of
service delivery,such as tons of garbage collected,proximity
to schools and parks,or frequency of police car
patrols of a neighborhood.As evidence,Stipak cites his
study of municipal contracting in Los Angeles County
and the KansasC ity PreventiveP atrolE xperimenta s instances
in which citizen evaluations of services were
found not to be associateds tatisticallyw ith levelso f service
outputs as indicated by objective measures.
英语翻译Two major criticisms have been advanced regardingthe use
把公民对市政服务的评估作为政策制定的依据,这种办法受到的批评主要来自两方面:首先最基本的,是把主观因素作为评估政策表现的指标,这种做法的有效性受到质疑.理由是,公民评估与市政服务的客观输出并不相符,例如:清理数吨垃圾,让居民区靠近公园和学校,警车在周围巡逻的频率.作为证据,思迪帕克引用了洛杉矶和堪萨斯的城市预防巡逻实验.该实验的统计数据表明,公民对市政服务的评估与客观服务输出没有什么关联.(专业译文,敬请鉴别.全部翻译需要付费,Q ⑨①〇①⑧〇〇⑧③)