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GRE填空,the challenge of interpreting fictional works written

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 12:27:57
the challenge of interpreting fictional works written under politically repressive regimes lies in distinguishing what is ____to an author's beliefs,as opposed to what is____by political coercion.
Acontradictory       Dconveyed
Borganic                Eimposed
Coblique               Fcaptured
The activists energetic work in the service of both woman suffrage and the temperance movement in the late nineteenth century (i)____ the assertion that the two movements were (ii)____.            

Blank (i)               Blank (ii)
A undermines     D diffuse
B supports          E inimical
C underscores    F predominant
Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors
conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything other than a
__________ solution to the company’s financial woes.
\2A complete
\2B fleeting
\2C momentary
\2D premature
\2E trivial
\2F total
When a person suddenly loses consciousness,a bystander is not expected to ____ the problem but to attempt to _____ its effects by starting vital functions if they are absent.
A minimize     D  counter  
B determine   E  detect  
C diagnose    F  precipitate
One of the first--------- of reduced burning in Amazon rain forests was the
chestnut industry:smoke tends to drive out the insect that,by pollinating chestnut
tree,allow chestnuts to develop.
我选对了,但是后半句理解有困难,如果是smoke tends to ...allow chestnuts to develop.这样很好理解,但是加上省略号就诡异了,smoke赶走了虫(能帮树传粉),又怎么allow to develop....
GRE填空,the challenge of interpreting fictional works written
organic 有机的,也就是“核心的”意思.(注意抽象含义)
inimical 对立的,diffuse是分散的意思没错,但分散一定是不相关吗?比如数学系底下分了理论数学和应用数学两个方向,这两个方向是分散的,但相关.
mismanagement and inefficiency 这句是虚拟语气,句子意思是ignore这些负评价才能表明注入资金可以取得好效果,other than 转折,后面写负面词,所以答案是BC.
minimize 不能选是因为它是正评价,a bystander is not expected to 里面有一个not ,旁观者应该minimize问题而不是不应该,就如后面所说的counter its effects.
你的长句理解有点问题,smoke tends to drive out the insect that,by pollinating chestnut
tree,allow chestnuts to develop 正常语序是smoke tends to drive out the insect that allow chestnuts to develop by pollinating chestnut tree ,建议你看看杨鹏的《GRE/GMAT难句教程》.