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【翻译】长篇英文乐评90's R & B group IV Xample is back on the scene!Fo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:27:32
90's R & B group IV Xample is back on the scene!
Former 90's MCA/Universal r & b group IV Xample is back working on a new album set to be released late summer!
In 1995 MCA/Universal Records signed a new r & b group called IV Xample. Not many had heard about this group nationwide consisting of members Dre Allen, BC Chevis, Raymond Chevis, & Bryant "Luscious" Woodert, but in Los Angeles they scored a top requested hit with a song called "The Swang" which was catapulted into the public eye by program director Maurice Devoe's decision to put it in heavy rotation at his station 92.3 The Beat. From there it spread to KMEL in San Francisco all the way to V 103 in Chicago to WBLS in New York City. After gaining recognition from MCA President Ernie Singleton, they recorded an album & released the first single "I'd Rather Be Alone" & embarked on a journey that would take them into the top 40 and then around the world. In the midst of a swarm of male groups like Az Yet, Boyz II Men, Portrait, UNV, Shai, All 4 One, & many others, IV Xample set out to seperate themselves from the pack. Gaining worldwide recognition from around the globe, they started touring & sold over a half a million copies in their touring of Australia, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, & everywhere else the label sent them. The only problem was that most of the other groups were touring the U.S. first and by the time they returned to the states, the reception of their top 40 single had died down. It was time for a new single. In the meantime, label politics took hold & the executives who signed IV Xample were fired leaving them to fend for themselves while the new regime took over. In haste and not wanting to lose momentum, the new executives Hank Shocklee & Daddy O rush released a more street leaning video for the single "From The Fool" and launched the group on a U.S. tour to promote on MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, & The Box. With the drastic change in direction throwing radio executives for a loop, the decision was quickly made to send the group into the studio with then super producer Babyface who had launched super group Boyz II Men into the stratosphere with his songwriting & production. But before they could finish the new album a foul wind was about to blow. An executive from another MCA label called Gasoline Alley approached IV Xample member Dre Allen to offer him a solo deal. Almost lured by the temptation, Allen rapidly declined the offer. Weeks later he would offer a solo deal to group member and recent father BC Chevis. This time the bait was taken & in an emotion filled meeting, he made the announcement that he was leaving the group. Thus came about the end of IV Xample.
But now it's 15 years later & the boys are now men! Having grown & developed their talents individually, had kids, & some even having gotten married like Dre Allen with his much publicized marriage to 20 million selling Funky Diva Dawn Robinson from En Vogue & the Grammy nominated group Lucy Pearl, IV Xample found themselves cruising the internet and read so many comments of adoration net wide, that they decided to come back grown, sexy, & focused on hits to show the world what they REALLY have to offer. The moral of this comeback...."who says there's no such thing as second chances"? Get ready world...because 2010 will be the year of "IV Xample"!!!
【翻译】长篇英文乐评90's R & B group IV Xample is back on the scene!Fo
90年代的R & B组合IV Xample将要重返乐坛了!
前任MCA环球唱片公司的90年代R & B组合IV Xample已经开始在新专辑制作中.将在快到来的夏季发布.
1995年,MCA环球唱片公司新R&B组合IV Xample签约.这个组合成员有Dre Allen,BC Chevis,Raymond Chevis,和 Bryant "Luscious" Woodert.当时并没有什么人知道他们.然而,The Beat电台92.3的节目负责人Maurice Devoe相中了他们,并将他们的一首叫The Swang的曲子放在电台点唱机中播放,并在洛杉矶带起了新的乐潮.从此,他们的名声被广泛地传到旧金山的KMEL电台,芝加哥的V 103电台,纽约市的WBLS电台.
直到引起MCA环球唱片的老总Ernie Singleton的关注,他们顺利录制和发布了第一首单曲"I'd Rather Be Alone",并开始了他们的乐坛生涯,努力进军美国前40以及世界.混迹于大群知名男子组如Az Yet,Boyz II Men,Portrait,UNV,Shai,All 4 One等等,IV Xample成功的脱颖而出.随后享誉全球,于是他们开始了澳洲,日本,新加坡,香港,加拿大等的巡旅,头50万张专辑抢售而空.然而问题出现了,在他们离开时,许多来自其他地方的乐队巡旅美国,占据了他们前40的地位.所以也是时候要发行新单曲了.但与此同时,环球唱片发生“政变”,商标政策掌握大权,而签他们进来的领导被辞退,使他们必须独立面对着当前大难.新总裁Hank Shocklee 和 Daddy O rush不想失去势头,所以在匆忙中,他们录制和发行了个街头mv 叫"From The Fool",为了使他们重回MTV,VH1,Nickelodeon,& The Box排名榜,IV Xample在美国开始巡旅.在这种急剧的转向中,使电台负责人们震惊.这个决定很快的把他们推进了超级监制人Babyface的录音室,这位超级监制曾经为大红星Boyz II Men写词作曲.但在他们将要完成新专辑制作时,一场暴风雨即将触发.MCA旗下的另一个负责人Gasoline Alley找上了IV Xample的Dre Allen,给他提出了一个单飞的提议.而Allen虽然大受诱惑,却也马上拒绝了.几周后,Gasoline Alley把同样的提议给了IV Xample的BC Chevis,而这次,鱼儿上钩了.他答应后,收到接踵而来的行程表,并宣布他要离开这个组合.也就是这时,IV Xample解散了.
到今天,已经是15年了,组合的男孩也成男人了.他们各自成长了不少,而且他们的天赋更显纯熟,他们当中,有的甚至已结婚生子,像Dre Allen,和来自英国时尚和格莱美被提名的组合Lucy Perl的Dawn Robinson(单曲被两百万销售量的《Funky Diva》收录)公开结婚.同时IV Xample在网上发现,原来他们还有很多仰慕者,在网上十分闻名,所以他们决定以成熟性感的形象回归乐坛,并致力于最新乐潮,让世界知道他们的才华.这次回归的意义如他们说的“谁说巨星坠落了就不能再升起?世界,准备好吧,2010年将会是IV Xample的年!”