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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 10:34:23
如果没有了手,没有了脚,那么生活定将不能自理,甚至每天还要以泪洗面,痛不欲生。而恰恰相反的是 一般人,,力克 . 胡哲,他纵然失去双腿,双臂,但他每天生活的比我们这些有腿、有脚的人活的充实、快乐;仅有一只“小鸡脚”的他,“小鸡脚”便成为自己最有用的地方。他快乐,他善良,他不恨父母为什么把他生的没腿、没臂,他的内心永远都是快乐的。
他的爱好是游泳,可是没有四肢的他用“小鸡脚”作为马达,扑嗵、扑嗵地游,他的幽默、风趣老是逗得人哈哈大笑;他能把自己的快乐分享别人。他爱自己的身体,也爱别人。他的忍耐力极强,不管别人怎样讽刺他,嘲笑他,他都会不耐烦,不生气地问别人:“你为什么嘲笑我?” 我想他之所以能对生活如此乐观源于他对生命的感恩!
用英语 别上网翻译,网上都是汉语式的英语.
there was a boy who had no arms or legs since he was born. he only had a foot which looked like a little chiken's foot. however, the boy with a unmormal foot could always keep a smiling face by his own。 how brutal the turth was. how strong his behaivor was! after closing the book called 《i am not the same as the world is.》 sadness and a kind of sympathy covered my mind...and never get me off.
i didnt have arms or feet.(虚拟语气。。哈哈)i would must lost the skills of life. or even wash my face with stears day and night. (差不多就是这个意思), i would must be in sadness and never think about anything about how to life.
but he is different from the usual bodies. nick.huzhe. although “hu” (英语人物名称简写)lost both his arms and legs.he is still happier and more full of life than the people who are normal .such as us. the boy who has only one "chicken-feet"put his unnormal feet to a best use.(短语)he is always happy and kindhearted.he never complains about why his parents made him have no arms or legs instead of giving him a healthy body. his heart is always sunny and happy.
he loves siwming very much. the boy who has no legs or arms uses his “hicken-leg" to swim as a motor. he swims putong...putong....(拟声词)his humor and sunny mind always make others laugh and be happy. he can easily share his happyness with others. and he loves his body very much. and he also loves the other people like he treats himself .his staying-power is very strong.no matter what others do to him or laugh at him. he will be poor of staying- power,and asks: "why do you laugh at me? what is funny?" i think the reason why he can keep a healthy and happy mind is becasue he thanks life very much.
本人不才,只有这种水平了,全部亲手打出。 希望对你有帮助。