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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 04:24:14
Originally, this was a continent on which sovereign kingdoms reigned; but after the happening of a solar eclipse, the sun was never to be seen again. As a consequence however, some people had become endowed with amazing talents. In the name of Gods they passed on the secrets of the sorcery to their heirs. As the gods needed a lot of sorcery medias to uphold their enormous power, they opted for pillage rather than creating them. For the sake of honors and profits, battles were waged between the Gods and the lords of the various kingdoms time and again; finally, sorceries had triumphed over swords. The kings were executed; their youngest sons were assigned by the Gods as the new kings and servants of the Gods acted as chief secretaries to the kings. The imperial kinsmen declined ever since. Forgetting the glory of the past, the enslaved people of the kingdoms joined the fighting armies of the Gods, only with the goal to staying alive a bit longer.
A legend as old as time appeared in the darkness and brought hopes to the people. A white waned Pegasus with hoofs wrapped in mist and clouds would trample through the darkness; followed it and be greeted by lights!
The eldest son of the old king in a kingdom at the furthest east of the continent had convened a meeting with palace engineers and alchemists to come up with a weapon to fight against the sorcery and the Gods. So, a machine was produced and it was driven by steam, an insulator to the sorcery; but it could not achieve the same power as the Gods’. Ultimately, an alchemist got an inspiration from an ancient black magic book and invented a method that made use of human hearts as media to extract the life force from the machine drivers. The force produced by this machine not only was more powerful than the Gods, but also very flexible to maneuver.
The adverse effect was also very obvious. The so called extraction of life forces meant that one side of the body that closed to the heart would begin to age faster and faster. In one of the royal councils, the eldest prince recruited all the royal members as volunteers to join the resistance army and explained the cost they would have to pay. At the end of the council, the prince gave a glance of lofty disdain to his youngest brother on the throne, and assumed the leadership of this resistance army.
Railway tracks were the fundamentals of the resistance army whether in battles or logistics; therefore the laying of tracks followed wherever the battle was fought. With the help of the railway tracks, the resistance army had totally destroyed the speed advantage of the Gods; again and again they crushed the Gods and their armies. So, whenever railway tracks had been laid in a kingdom, its people would be free from the control of the Gods. “The light will shine on where the tracks are laid” was eulogized everywhere. Now the people remembered the legend of the Pegasus; then they realized the mist and clouds that wrapped around the four hoofs was in fact the steam. Caressing the aged half of the body and face, the eldest prince who had been hailed by the people as the god of steam, carved both the figure of the Pegasus and the pledge of joining the resistance army for freedom onto his army emblem. The pledge was, “I present my youth to you”!
英语翻译在一个原本由王国所统治的大陆上,一次日蚀之后,太阳不再出现.一些人却因此具有了神奇的天赋.他们以神之名,血脉相传 英语翻译在精灵界诞生了一个新的精灵tinker bell,来到仙子王国的她被指派为修补仙子,她具有惊人的天赋,但她觉得自 英语翻译维多利亚社会的罪恶统治摧残,扭曲了希斯克厉夫原本真诚善良的灵魂.饱受欺侮和摧残的希斯克利夫从一个具有善良本性的少 英语翻译公元220年开始的300年里,中国分成了三个小王国.一个是魏国,位于中国北部,由曹氏家族统治.还有一个王国叫做蜀 这几句话用英语怎么说在精灵界诞生了一个新的精灵tinker bell,来到仙子王国的她被指派为修补仙子,她具有惊人的天赋 洛克王国天赋我的一个宠物天赋不太理想,但在鉴定后是绝世 请问是绝世还用再吃天赋药么 唐玄宗统治的时期为什么出现了前所未有的盛世局面?他统治的后期却使唐朝由盛转衰?从中你得到什么知识? 英语翻译《丰乐亭记》欧阳修 解释欲求晖,凤就擒之所的所 向之凭恃的恃 ,乃日与人仰望的日 遂书--以名---的书 与名 5世纪东罗马帝国灭亡后,法兰克人在它的废墟上建立起许多国家,其中最强的是法兰克王国.后来法兰克王国不断扩张,统治了欧洲中 唐玄宗所统治的时期出现了什么局面? 在一个家庭中,父亲是多指患者(由常染色体上显性基因A控制), 母亲的表现型正常,他们婚后却生了一个手 英语翻译相传很久以前在四川有一户生意人家,他们家里的人很喜欢吃鱼,对调味也很讲究,所以他们在烧鱼的时候都要放一些葱、姜、