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Module 6 Unit 4
ambassador n.大使
operate vt.操作,运作;动手术
honour vt.使…感到荣耀,给…荣誉,尊敬
purpose n.目的,意图
co-operate vi合作
touch vt.触及,涉及
peacekeeping adj.维持和平的
operation n.军事行动;操作,实施
conflict n.冲突
worthy adj.令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的
voluntary adj.志愿的;自愿的;主动的
awareness n.意识
draw vt.吸引,引起
sum n.数目,总数
fund n.资金,基金
urgent adj.紧急的,紧迫的
lack n.缺乏
poverty n.贫穷,贫困
earthquake n.地震
typhoon n.台风
civilian adj.平民的,民间的 n.平民
remote adj.遥远的,偏僻的
accessible adj.可接近的,可得到的
frustrated adj.沮丧的,懊恼的
conscience n.良心,良知
reference n.谈及,提到;指称;查阅,
funding n.提供资金,提供基金
aspect n.(问题等的)方面
precious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的
remind vt.提醒,使想起
charity n.慈善,施舍
collection n.捐款;收藏,收藏品,集
face vt.面对,面临 vi.朝,向
mountainous adj.多山的
expense n.开销,花费;,费用,代价
somewhat adv.稍微,有点
source n.来源;消息来源;原始材料
fuel n.燃料
pump n.泵,抽水机 vt.(用泵)抽
container n.容器;集装箱
fetch vt.取来,去拿来
break down 出故障,抛锚
hardship n.艰苦,困苦,辛苦
basic adj.基本的 n.基础,基本要素
roof n.屋顶,房顶;顶
occupation n.职业;占用
force vt.强迫,强制,迫使
farm vt.耕种
protein n.蛋白质
malnutrition n.营养不良
means n.手段,方法
commitment n.承诺,保证;投入,奉献
chaos n.混乱
flee vi & vt逃跑,逃避
unusable adj.不可用的,不能用的
famine n.饥荒
outbreak n.(战争,疾病等的)爆发
typhoid n.伤寒
colleague n.同事
vacant adj.空缺的
temporary adj.临时的,暂时的
clinic n.诊所,医务室
medication n.药物治疗,药物
cut n.伤口,切口
bacteria n.(复数)细菌
meanwhile adv.同时,其间
shelter n.住所;藏身之处
staff n.全体员工
comfort n.&vt.安慰
individual adj.个人的,个体的,个别的,单独的
1.around the world
2.international aids
3.go wrong
4.keep the peace
5.a shortage of food
6.cause sb.to do sth.
7.live in poverty
8.in real life
9.people in need
10.belong to the UN
11.a UN Goodwill ambassador
12.give a speech
13.be pleased to do sth.
14.have the chance to do sth.
15.refer to sb./ sth.
16.be made up of
17.mean to do sth./ doing sth.
18.be honoured to do sth.
19.take on this role
20.set up / about doing / down / out to do
21.be based on
22.develop friendly relations with sb.
23.co-operate in doing sth.
24.promote respect for human rights
25.as you know
26.touch the lives of people everywhere
27.be involved in
28.with the help of sb.
29.worthy organizations
30.be worth doing sth.= be worthy of being done
31.assist the victims of wars
32.in addition (to)
33.protect sb.from doing sth.
34.prevent sb .from doing sth .
35.child labour
36.record sth.= make records of
37.be aware of sth./ make sb aware of
38.draw one’s attention=draw the attention of sb.
39.add sth.to sth./ add up / add up to
40.under the umbrella of
41.apart from
42.meet eight development goals
43.be available to sb.
44.look sth.up in a dictionary / on a website
45.express one’s opinion
46.be meant to do sth .
47.a successful businesswoman
48.on behalf of
49.work in remote places
50.be connected to / with
51.specialized agencies
52.loan money to sb.
53.set a standard for
54.aim to sth.
55.eliminate problems
56.can’t afford expense
57.be lack of
58.recommend doing sth.
59.break down
60.basic equipment
61.force sb.to do sth.
62.farm the land
63.suffer from malnutrition
64.be in chaos
65.be in a mess
66.put on weight
67.look out for
68.be concerned about/for
69.get hold of
70.remind sb.of sth
71.remind sb.to do sth.
72.communicate with sb.
73.think back to
74.be proud of = take pride in
75.make a difference
76.put sth.into action
77.from place to place
78.die from
79.if only
80.in honour of