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位于. 躺.. 撒谎 ..下蛋.. 英语翻译 恩原型 过去式 过去分词分别是什么 谢谢.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/09 00:52:53
位于. 躺.. 撒谎 ..下蛋.. 英语翻译 恩原型 过去式 过去分词分别是什么 谢谢.
位于. 躺.. 撒谎 ..下蛋.. 英语翻译 恩原型 过去式 过去分词分别是什么 谢谢.
v. 躺下, 位于, 在于, 平放, 存在, 延伸, 说谎
v. If you feel unwell, go and lie down.
v. 如果你感到不舒服,就去躺下.
v. 躺下
v. If you feel unwell, go and lie down.
v. 如果你感到不舒服,就去躺下.
v. 位于
v. My home town lies low in a hidden valley.
v. 我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里.
v. 在于
v. The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.
v. 根本出路在于改革开放.
v. 平放
v. The novel is lying on the table.
v. 小说平放在桌子上.
v. 存在
v. The truth lies between two extremes.
v. 真理存在两个极端之间.
v. 延伸
v. Our land lies between these trees and the river.
v. 我们的土地位于这些树和那条河之间
v. 说谎
v. I promise never to lie to you from now on.
v. 我发誓从今以后再也不向你说谎话.
n. 谎言
v. 放置, 躺下, 打赌, 设计, 击倒, 产卵, 使平静, 压平
v. 放置
v. You may lay it on the table.
v. 你可以把它放在桌子上.
v. 躺下
v. I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.
v. 我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考.
v. 打赌
v. I'll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job.
v. 我以三比一的赔率打赌,他能得到那份工作.
v. 设计
v. He showed us how to lay out a printed page.
v. 他告诉我们怎样设计版面.
v. Surveyors lay out Wall Street along the line of the stockade.
v. 测量员沿着栅栏设计出墙街.
v. 击倒
v. 产卵
v. They lay eggs from the beginning of July to the middle of August.
v. 它们在7月初到8月中这段时间产卵.
v. 使平静
v. 压平
n. 地形, 位置, 叙事短诗, 交媾
n. 地形
n. He knows the lay of the land here.
n. 他了解这里的地形.
n. 位置
n. Lay more emphasis on combating corruption and advocating integrity.
n. 把反腐倡廉放在更加突出的位置上.
n. A lay figure can be placed in any position, or attitude, and clothed in any costume and thus serves as a model for the drapery.
n. 人体模型可以放在任何位置,摆成任何姿势,穿上任何服装,作为服装店的模特儿.
n. 叙事短诗
n. 交媾
adj. 外行的, 世俗的