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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 21:30:54
i think, there are lots of things that happen in life are very important to us. such as: friends, parents, things that you treasure and so on. we walk in a busy life. Maybe, you as a clerk in a company,spend your precious lunch time on car, always be unhappy with that hamburger or cola... perhapts, you as a housewife, and you are preparing breakfast for your dear husband and your lovely kids,but through your sweat on your forehead, i can see you are happy and contented with your life. or maybe, you as a teacher, you come and go back from home to school or school to home, everyday is the same. everyday you breath in the dust of chalks and always concerned about the problem students.
But don't forget, in this common and busy life, please remember: the most important thing is to give! Give is better than receive.(施比受更有福) it's a great happiness that we can contribute. A famous person said that: the root which is barried under ground make the branches bloom without payment. that's right, we are always trying to do thing in order to help others. therefore, don't complain!it won't make you become older or ugly, in contrary, it can fill up your life with wonderful abundance and make your soul sparkle. contribution harvests the sense of happiness, the holy emotion of real respect and appreciation from others. Give is not about ask for a reward, it's the willingness from your deep bottom of your heart!
So far, if you are following with what i've said, i think you have got a better understanding about how contribution is important in our life.
呼~终于完了 哥们儿 不客气
英语翻译我认为,有许许多多的事情在生活中是对我们很重要的.例如朋友,亲人,所爱之物等等.我们长期奔波在繁忙的生活当中.也 英语翻译也可以在生活中,我们需感恩的人有许许多多.可以是老师、是曾曾经帮助我们的陌生人、还可以是我们身边的朋友.他们都曾 每个人都有朋友 朋友对我们来说很重要 我认为友谊需要的是真诚、理解、帮助 (英语版翻译) (英语翻译)这对我们以后的生活很重要 我们爱亲人,爱朋友,爱动物,爱花草,也爱家乡,爱祖国…试以爱为话题,写一篇作文.不少于250字.是写别人的对我的爱,还是 我们爱亲人,爱朋友,爱动物,爱花草,也爱家乡,爱祖国…试以爱为话题,写一篇作文.不少于250字.是写我对别人的爱,还是别 用英语翻译“我认为,一个健康的环境和一种健康生活方式对我们的健康很重要” “爱”在我们的生活中无所不在,有父母之爱,有老师之爱,有同学之爱,有对灾区人民的爱. 英语翻译所以,我认为报纸是生活中很重要的一部分. 成长中的爱 作文爱,是每个人在成长路程中必不可少的东西,在我们的成长历程中,有许许多多的人我们付出了不少的心血.他们对我 其实在我们的生活中,有着许许多多的爱.同学之间的爱,老师之间的爱,朋友之间的爱...其中,最伟大的就是母爱了,请问母爱都 常常说心态很重要,那么在生活中的我们应该遇到哪些事情要有哪些心态?