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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 15:28:44
1,definite purpose and significance of learning is the important condition of interest.I want to learn English,who will admit that there is necessary?Parents give students in the English class,students will learn English to what is about to learn English well,what profit will bring you.Let students understand English is we must seriously and must learn discipline.2,strengthen the study is to enjoy thoughts.Many people think that "reading is painful,so be patient." Indeed,the indiscriminate to recite English words,grammatical rules,feel is not only mean,actively participate in learning,positive thinking will learn English well.Confucius said:"learn custom,not also say?" Only know the love deeply,can cut,i.e.,when some skills to a certain level,can cause the interest to learn more interesting,more study is love,so don't learn in everyday,because children failed twice to blame him,but should give him a while,understanding the process.Another study methods,learning to use will be fun.Reading English learning should pay attention to,and so,find a good way to learn is to learn English.3,encouraging success,cultivate confidence.For the students without interest,if traced back.In daily life,children often and active mood when students heart appear abnormal or rebellious behaviour,don't rush to students,and sending fighters into should actively inspiration,guides the student realize his behavior is correct,and efforts with your child so easily find a common language,make him a better in teaching content.Finally,parents should pay more attention to your child's learning performance,and will often catch him in the study.For students,and to praise and encourage prompt,lets the child understand your concern about him,and he and the cultivation of students' self-confidence,arouse the students' interest in learning.Anyhow,want to obtain the learning interest of student,not only depends on the positive efforts in learning,parents and teachers,and encouragement.Also hope every success in our school student studying language can succeed.1、明确学习目的和意义是形成兴趣的重要条件.我想谁都会承认学英语是有必要的吧?家长在给学生报英语班时,要向学生讲述学习英语是为了什么,学好英语会给你带来什么益处.要让学生明白英语是我们必须要重视并且一定要学好的一门学科.2、加强学习是享受的意念.很多人认为“读书是痛苦的,所以要忍耐”.的确,不分青红皂白地去背诵英语单词,死记语法规则,是很没有意思,只有主动参与学习,积极思考才会学好英语.孔子说:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?”只有知之深,才能爱之切,也就是说当某种知识掌握到一定水平才能产生兴趣,才会越学越有趣,越学越爱学,所以在日常学习中不要因为孩子的一、两次的失败而去责备他,而是应该给他一段适应、了解的过程.另外善用学习方法,学习才会其乐无穷.读书要讲究方法,学习英语也如此,找到一个良好的学习方法是学好英语的前提.3、鼓励成功,培养自信心.对于没有兴趣的学生要追根溯源,探究其因.在日常生活中常与孩子主动交心,当学生出现情绪反常或逆反行为时,不要急着对学生兴师问罪,而应积极启发、引导学生认识到他的行为是否正确,并要努力与您的孩子找到共同语言,这样容易使他更好的融入教学内容中来.最后,家长要重视孩子的学习表现,要时常抓住他在学习中闪光点.对于学生的表现纵横对比,及时表扬和鼓励,要让孩子明白你关心他,了解他,从而培养学生的自信心,激发学生的学习兴趣.总之,要获得学习的兴趣,不但要靠学生在学习中的积极努力,还要有家长和老师的理解、关怀和鼓励.也希望每一位在我们成功语言学校学习的学生都能取得成功.