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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:语文作业 时间:2024/10/08 02:27:01
最难忘的事,每个人都有他最难忘的事.友谊是我们生命中最重要的东西.这就像一个光亮度,给了我们.我有很多事情,我不会忘记我的朋友.有一天,我发现一个新的手表给我最好的朋友.手表很漂亮,我很喜欢它.当我递给她,她把手表撞成碎片.我对她喊道:我不想再见到你.她哭了,在一次放学后.我发现在我的书桌上一个漂亮的铅笔盒.在铅笔盒,我发现一张便条,说:“亲爱的,是的,我给你是因为我不想失去你.你能原谅我吗.我被感动了,我感到遗憾的注意我的话.我对她说抱歉,我们比以往更接近.朋友就像是天空中的星星.他(她)总是和你在一起.我永远也不会忘记这件事 再答: My Most Unforgettable Thing Everyone has his most unforgettable thing. Friendship may be the most impotant thing in our life.It's like a light that gives us brightness. I have many things that I can't forget with my friends.One day, I showed a new watch to my best friend. The watch is very pretty and I like it very much. When I passed it to her, she dropped it and the watch crashed into pieces. I shouted to her: I don't want to see you again. She cried at once after school. I found a pretty pencil case in my desk. In the pencil case, I found a note which said: "Dear Cristine, I gave this to you because I don't want to lose you. Can you forgive me?" I was moved by the note and I felt regret with my words. I said sorry to her and we were closer than before. A friend is like a star in the sky. He (She) is always there around you. I can't forget this thing forever