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英语翻译1 这个将军命令他的手下英勇作战.The general commanded his men _ _ brave

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 01:54:18
1 这个将军命令他的手下英勇作战.
The general commanded his men _ _ bravely .
2 武装警察到达后就控制了局势.
The armed police arrived and _ _ _ the situation.
3 他被录用是因为他精通英语.
He was employed because he _ _ _ _ _ English.
4 市长下令那栋大楼必须停建.
The mayor commanded that the work on the building _ _ .
5 他按照老师的要求到达了那里.
He was there _ _ _ _ his teacher.
6 按照作者的要求,姓名不予播报.
The writer's name was not broadcast _ _.
7 这些书可以索取.
The books are available _ _ .
8 经理要求下次开会前不要向任何人透露她的决定.
The manager perverted that no one _ _ of her decision until the next meeting .
9 我妻子说:“你最好别吸烟.”
10 她告诉我不要在教室里吸烟.
11 The mother asked her son to chose the door .
12 The teacher said ," Don't make so much noise,boy and girls."
13 一直往前,在第三个十字路口往右拐.
_ _ _ and turn right at the third crossing .
14 两点之间最短为直线.
_ _ _ is the shortest distance between two points .
15 这就是他在外国如何谋生的.
_ _ _ he made a living when he stayed abroad .
16 那就是他为什么不想见你.
_ _ _ he doesn't want to see you .
17 这是因为他的完美的英语使他和当地人交流成为可能.
_ _ _ his perfect English has made it possible to communicate with native speakers .
18 正因为他说一口流利的英语,她更爱他.
She likes him all better for his _ _ _ .
19 到新加坡去度假是时下的时尚.
It's fashionable to _ _ _ _ _ _ .
20 除了西班牙语以外,我们还学俄语及英语.
_ _ _ .we study Russian and English .
21 这阵风朝西北方吹.
The wide is _ _ _ _ .
22 这个街区的供暖系统不太好用.
The heating system _ _ _ doesn't woke well .
英语翻译1 这个将军命令他的手下英勇作战.The general commanded his men _ _ brave
3.was good at
4.must stop
5.followed the request
6.by the request of the writer
7.to ask for
8.can open
9.My wife said:”You’d better not smoking”.
10.She told me not smoking in the class.
13.Go straight
14.Distance line
16.That’s why
17.This is the reason that
18.fluently oral English
19.have vacation in Singapore
20.Except Spanish
21.in north-west
22.of the block