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求这段话的准确英文翻译 仰望着天,什么在飞扬,什么在下降?   游离的,说不清那是否算是一种痛,麻木了……   飘散的,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/08 10:34:47
求这段话的准确英文翻译 仰望着天,什么在飞扬,什么在下降?   游离的,说不清那是否算是一种痛,麻木了……   飘散的,分不出那明暗该是怎样的界限,无谓了……   沉沦,谁也不想……   而光,总有无法普照的晦处。 魔鬼,享有祭品……   没有生出利爪尖角的羔羊,成为魔鬼的祭品。   日升月恒,命运的轮划出曲折的轨迹,   死亡天使的号角,化做尘世的一道戒音,   灵魂听到召唤,身体被困枷锁,   因此,地狱有了第十九层,  囚禁了逃不出躯壳的堕落灵魂……   在等待的只是——   被惩罚,被玩弄,被奴役,被毁坏,被生死所抛弃……   永世不得超生。
求这段话的准确英文翻译 仰望着天,什么在飞扬,什么在下降?   游离的,说不清那是否算是一种痛,麻木了……   飘散的,
Hope in the day, what the float in the sky, what in the fall?
Free, couldn't say for sure whether it is a kind of pain, numb...
Skirts, points out that the boundaries of how the light and shade, meaningless......
Sink, who also don't want to...
And the light, there are always unable to shine in the dark place.
The devil, enjoys the sacrifices...
Not produce claws sharp corners of the lamb, be the devil's offerings.
Constant day month, round draw the tortuous path of fate,
The angel of death's horn, makes a ring tone to the world,
Soul hear the call, the body was trapped chains,
Therefore, hell is the 19th floor,
Imprisoned for couldn't escape the bodies of fallen soul...
Just waiting for --
Being punished, was playing, enslaved, damaged, abandoned by life and death... Eternal damnation.