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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 10:29:58
同时,该光学测量系统也是建立在数字近景测量技术基础上的一种新型精密测量系统.它具有便携性好、精度高、测量范围大、受环境干扰小等优点,及其适合工业工程的现场测量.在现代社会中,三维技术的发展十分迅猛,光学测量系统向三维方向的迈进是具有划时代的意义的. 三维位相测量轮廓术

At the same time, the optical measuring system is a new precision measuring system based on digital close-shot measuring technology. As it features such advantages as convenient portability, high precision, a large range of measurement and little interference from the environment, etc, it is very suitable for the field measurement of industrial engineering. In modern society, three-dimensional technology is developing by leaps and bounds, so optical measuring system has an epoch-making significance in the advancement of three-dimensional direction.
three-dimensional phase measuring profilometry
为什么 还没采取 我的神来
这个 让我情何以堪呀
貌似我 太扯了
算了 都在围观
看来我是闲着蛋疼了 自己 手上 还有五千字
却跑来 凑热闹
以后 不来这玩了 没意思