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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 17:18:43
这本书对我的启发很大,尤其是那个《Liz Murray:From Homeless To Harvard》.这个女孩,很让人敬佩,她的父母双双吸毒,而她却没有将自己的处境责怪在父母头上,反经历千辛万苦,终于由“流浪女”成为了“哈佛女”.她把自己的人生故事写成了一本美国的畅销书《风雨哈佛路》.她拥有多大的毅力啊!她说自己很爱父母.小时候,她和妹妹经常吃不上饭,家里的东西都让父母卖掉来买毒品,甚至是感恩节教堂捐给他们的火鸡.可她却从不怨恨父母.她母亲有句祈祷文:“生活总有一天会变好的”.开始,Liz把自己看做反叛者和受害者,但是后来,她看见妈妈直到死去都没有实现自己的梦想时,她明白:要么现在改变,要么也许永远不会改变.于是她格外努力,没有畏惧感,终于考上了哈佛大学.她父亲因艾滋病去世.她说父亲做过的体面的事就是曾经从图书馆中盗书给她看,培养她热爱文学.“我曾经世界上你们躲着的人.”
Noisy city,in a hurry,the heavy pressure.The lights on,everything again to relax.Light soft soft bed asperse,sit down,let us enjoy the long-lost peace.Turn over the wisdom of chapters,walking in the beauty of the language,reads a beautiful story.This book for my inspiration is very big,especially the "Liz Murray in Homeless To Harvard." The girl,very let people admire,her parents both drugs,but she is not in position to blame parents head,the hardships of experience,and finally by the "stray female" become the "harvard women".She put her own life story into a American bestseller,"the wind and rain harvard".She has much perseverance!She said she loved his parents.When I was a child,she and her sister usually eat rice,the thing in the home for parents to buy drugs sold,even to their church is Thanksgiving Turkey.But she never resentment parents.Her mother has a prayer:"life one day it will get better." Start,Liz sees himself as the rebels and the victims,but later,she saw her mother until death didn't realize his dream,she understand:either now change,or maybe will never change.So she exceptionally hard,no WeiJuGan,finally admitted to Harvard University.Her father died of AIDS.She said father do decent thing is stolen from the library once in book to look to her,she loves literature training."I once the world you hide."Life in the world,each have what happens,the most important is to use what way to look at the problems and handle the problem.Growth is a kind of experience,must have the horns,does not fear endures hardship strong will,can succeed.We want to follow your dream,towards that direction perseverance.One day,dreams will come true.