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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 17:16:22
[abstract] the urban endowment insurance system in China after the founding from start to 1958,adjustment and the great cultural revolution.After the end of the cultural revolution,China's unrest in urban endowment insurance system and the restoration and reconstruction,1993,the third plenary session of the 14 by the central committee of the CCP about the establishment of socialist market economic system,put forward some problems of endowment insurance executes a society to plan as a whole and individual account,from the principle of combining Chinese town endowment insurance system for a series of reforms.Undoubtedly,our town endowment insurance reforms have a breakthrough,but from the actual situation,to solve the laid-off workers aged in the role that is not satisfactory,causing town laid-off workers endowment insurance coverage to expand,and of the farmers and workers of endowment insurance of endowment insurance also exists many problems.Urban laid-off workers and rural migrant workers in the urbanization process and peasants,they are vulnerable groups in town.Urban endowment insurance coverage in the comprehensive,not only is the practice of people-oriented scientific development is established,the fundamental guarantee of harmonious society.The author in this paper based on urban endowment insurance system involves the old-age security personnel and the analysis of existing problems and research,and then put forward relevant Suggestions and improvement of the urban endowment insurance in true "the state council about perfect enterprise worker is basic endowment insurance system decision of comprehensive coverage that China urban endowment insurance system is more perfect.
[key] :unemployed insurance system for land-lost farmers migrant workers
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