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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 20:22:51
The Joyful Snowflake.
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再问: 百度一下。
再答: 徐志摩 假如我是一朵雪花 翩翩的在半空里潇洒 我一定认清我的方向—— 飞扬,飞扬,飞扬—— 这地上有我的方向。 不去那冷寞的幽谷 不去那凄清的山麓 也不去那荒街去惆怅—— 飞扬,飞扬,飞扬—— 你看我有我的方向! 在半空里娟娟的飞舞 认明了那清幽的住处 等着她来花园里探望—— 飞扬,飞扬,飞扬—— 啊,她身上有朱砂梅的清香! 那时我凭借我的身轻 盈盈的沾住了她的衣襟 贴近她柔波似的心胸—— 消溶,消溶,消溶—— 溶入了她柔波似的心胸! If I were a snowflake, I'd fly freely in the air. I must take the right direction -flying, flying, flying--. My direction was marked on the groud. I ain't gotta the cold valley, no the lonely mountain. I ain't gotta the deserted street to wander either, -flying, flying, flying--. As you could see I have my way! As I am dancing gracefully In the air, I recognized my quiet home. I am waiting for her to visit the garden, -flying, flying, flying--. Ah, she was wearing cinnabar fragrance! Then I would land my gentle body onto her dress. I press myself close to her gentle and curved chest, -melting, melting, melting--. Melting down Into her soft chest! (by ztlthb)