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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:化学作业 时间:2024/09/21 00:31:11
benzene (5).In a two-neck flask,23 (200 mg,1.037
mmol) and 1,3,5-triiodobenzene (150 mg,0.33 mmol) were
combined,evacuated,and placed under argon.Freshly distilled
dry piperidine (20 mL) was added from a syringe,and the
mixture was stirred at room temperature until the solid was
dissolved.Then,the solution was degassed by three freezepump-
thaw cycles.After warming to room temperature,Pd-(PPh3)4 (20 mg,5 mol %) was added from a tip tube,and the
reaction mixture was stirred at 55 °C for 18 h.Aqueous NaOH
(4 M,2.5 mL) was added,and the solution was stirred for 15
min before the solvents were evaporated under reduced
pressure.The crude solid was dissolved in chloroform and
washed with aqueous EDTA solution (1 M,3 \2 5 mL).Then,
the organic layer was extracted with HCl (2 M,5 \2 5 mL).
The aqueous layer was basified with NaOH (2 M,30 mL) and
extracted with chloroform (4 \2 10 mL).After drying over
Na2SO4,the organic solvent was evaporated under reduced
pressure,and the crude product was purified by PTLC
(alumina/hexane-ethyl acetate,5:1) to yield 5 as a white
solid:116 mg (54%); mp 178 °C (dec); 1H NMR (CDCl3,300
MHz) ä 2.44 (s,18 H),7.22 (dd,J ) 4.3 Hz,J ) 1.4 Hz,6 H),
7.35 (s,3 H),8.52 (dd,J ) 4.3 Hz,J ) 1.4 Hz,6 H); 13C {1H}
NMR (CDCl3,124 MHz) ä 30.55,30.87,58.88,77.77,78.72,
88.99,99.92,123.37,125.76,131.14,134.37,149.67; IR (KBr)
1405,1489,1539,1593,2227,2877,2914,2968,2987 cm-1;
MS (EI+) m/z (rel int) 651 ([M]+,6),650 ([M - H]+,4),537
(100),459 (35),443 (17),412 (14),378 (5),315 (15),287 (8),
264 (5),228 (7),167 (5),142 (9),128 (27),84 (11),55 (23);
HRMS calcd 651.2674,found 651.2681.Anal.Calcd for
C48H33N3:C,88.45; H,5.10; N,6.45.Found:C,88.43; H,4.90;
4赫兹,6小时) ;的13C ) (质子核磁共振( CDCl3 ,124兆赫)在30.55 ,30.87 ,58.88 ,77.77 ,78.72 ,88.99 ,99.92 ,123.37 ,125.76 ,131.14 ,134.37 ,149.67 ;红外(红外) 549 ,571 ,596 ,682 ,800 ,819 ,877 ,989 ,1081年,1216年,1281年,1384年,1405年,1489年,1539年,1593年,2227年,2877年,2914年,2968年,二千九百八十七厘米- 1 ;质谱( EI数据库+ )米/环Z (相对国际) 651 (模式[ M ] + ,6 ) ,650 ( [男性- H ]条+ ,4 ) ,537 ( 100 ) ,459 ( 35 ) ,443 ( 17 ) ,412 ( 14 ) ,378 ( 5 ) ,315 ( 15 ) ,287 ( 8 ) ,264 ( 5 ) ,228 ( 7 ) ,167 ( 5 ) ,142 ( 9 ) ,128 ( 27 ) ,84 ( 11 ) ,55 ( 23 ) ;高分辨calcd 651.2674发现651.2681 .肛门.Calcd为C48H33N3 :ć ,88.45 ;小时,10月5日;氮,6.45 .发现:ć ,88.43 ;小时,4.90 ;
1,3,5三( ( 3 - ( 4 -吡啶基)乙炔)双环[ 1.1.1 ]压抑- 1 - ylethynyl )苯( 5 ) .在两颈瓶,23 ( 200毫克,1.037浓度)和1,3,5 triiodobenzene ( 150毫克,0.33浓度)相结合,疏散,并置于氩.新鲜蒸馏干哌啶( 20毫升)加入了注射器和混合物是在室温下搅拌直到固体被解散.然后,该解决方案是由三个freezepump脱气冻融周期.气候变暖后,室温,钯(三苯基膦) 4 ( 20毫克,5摩尔% )增加了从冰山管,反应混合物被搅动在55 ℃时为18小时氢氧化钠水溶液( 4男,2 .
5毫升)是补充说,解决办法是搅拌15分钟之前,溶剂蒸发减少的压力下.原油固体溶解在氯仿和冲洗水EDTA溶液( 1男,3月5日毫升) .然后,提取有机层用HCl ( 2男,5月5日毫升) .水层basified与NaOH ( 2男,30毫升) ,并提取氯仿( 4 10毫升) .干燥后的硫酸钠,有机溶剂蒸发减少的压力下,以及原油产品纯化PTLC (氧化铝/正己烷,乙酸乙酯,5:1 ) ,收益率为5作为一种白色固体:116毫克( 54 % ) ;议员178 ℃ ( 12月) ;的1H NMR ( CDCl3 ,300兆赫)在2.44 (秒,18 h )下,7月22日(日,强) 4.3赫兹,强) 1.4赫兹,6小时) ,7.35 (秒,3小时) ,8.52 (日,强) 4.3赫兹,强) 1 .