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英语翻译社会工作的未来发展方向 1987年,世界人口巳突破50亿.世界人口的激增,主要在发展中的第三世界国家,从世界范围

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:24:04
社会工作的未来发展方向 1987年,世界人口巳突破50亿.世界人口的激增,主要在发展中的第三世界国家,从世界范围来看,人们的温饱问题还没有很好地解决,社会工作的任务不是减轻了,而是更加重了,预计今后的社会工作将有很大的发展.以下几个方面将是各国社会工作的发展方向.1.制度化:在经济发达的国家里,社会工作已经形成了制度.但不少国家的社会工作由于国家经济困难,物质条件较差,社会工作人员缺乏专业训练,基本上还没有摆脱旧式慈善事业的影响,它们的社会工作虽也有一定的规章可以遵循,但多属于"约定俗成",没有国家法律保证,没有达到制度化的要求.2.专业化:社会工作的专业化是十分重要的,关键是社会工作者的专业培养与训练的问题.社会工作是一门应用性很强的科学,它有自己的理论体系与方法论.因此,从事社会工作的人员应该具有这方面的知识和管理这方面的工作的才能,以及从事这方面工作的热情与高尚的职业道德.3.现代化:运用现代电脑控制的打字、计算机等先进设备与技术,不仅可以事半功倍,大大提高工作效率,而且可以减少社会工作者的负担,腾出手来搞宏观调查、定量分析,把社会工作技术提到更高水平.4.国际化:现在的社会问题非常复杂,牵涉面广,有的社会问题已经超越国界.例如世界人口膨胀、移民、难民流亡别国、种族歧视、劳力出口等;这些都不是一个国家单独行事能够解决的.这就需要组织各国的社会工作、社会福利机构配合行动,共同解决那些影响世界安全、世界保障的问题.
英语翻译社会工作的未来发展方向 1987年,世界人口巳突破50亿.世界人口的激增,主要在发展中的第三世界国家,从世界范围
The future direction of social work
In 1987, Pat the world's population to exceed 50 billion. The proliferation of the world's population, mainly in the developing Third World countries, from around the world, people food and clothing have not been well resolved, the task of social work is not reduced, but more important, and is expected to future social work will have great development. The following aspects will be the national social work development.
1. Institutionalization: In economically developed countries, has formed a system of social work. But many countries, social work as the national economic difficulties, poor physical conditions, lack of professional training for social workers, basically do not get rid of the old philanthropy, social work, although they have certain rules to follow, but are mostly "conventional", there is no national law to ensure that, did not meet the requirements of institutionalization.
2. Specialization: Specialization of Social Work is very important, the key is the professional training of social workers with training. Application of social work is a very strong science, it has its own theoretical system and methodology. Therefore, in the social work staff should have the knowledge and management can work in this area, and the enthusiasm in this area of work and high professional ethics.
3. Modernization: the use of modern computer-controlled typing, computer and other advanced equipment and technology, not only can do more with less, greatly improving efficiency, and reduce the burden on social workers, carry out his free hand to investigate the macro and quantitative analysis of the social work skills to a higher level.
4. International: the current social problems are very complex, involving a wide range, and some social issues beyond national boundaries. Such as the World population growth, migration, refugees in exile in other countries, racial discrimination, labor export, etc.; these are not a nation acting alone can solve. This requires national social work organizations, social welfare agencies, to act together to address factors affecting world security, world security.