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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 03:20:39
Time is like a river of the incessant,in a hurry,from people through the side quietly.Imperceptible in,a memorable 2011 years left in a hurry,ushered in a new years,beginning of the people and a journey.
On New Year's eve,pillow to welcome New Year's firecrackers fall asleep."Happy New Year!" The next morning,with a roar of New Year greeting,I opened my eyes to the round for 2012.Turn over calendar,turning over a New Year,and turn over a great story.I think back to the himself over the past year,there's a sweat,had a happy,also had sorrow.
Farewell to the old,we crossed into the New Year.My eyes as if again appeared a new runway,maybe I will be in this lane is falling,but I will still stubbornly stood up,tenacious to difficult challenges.I believe,in the tempest,always have a beautiful rainbow appear.
At the moment,the window out of firecrackers and produced crackling,this is the last night of the old is reluctant to say goodbye to people,but also people for New Year for good写的不是太好哦
再问: 一个小片段就ok!能不能把汉语意思写出来呢?我写黑板报要用的!浓缩精华!!!谢啦
再答: 时光就像一条永不停息的小河,匆匆地、悄悄地从人们身边流过。不知不觉中,一个值得回忆的2011年匆匆地走了,迎来了一个新的岁月,开始了人们的又一段旅程。 除夕夜,枕着迎接新年的鞭炮声睡着。“Happy new year!”次日清晨,随着一声新年的问候,我睁开了向2012年寻视的双眼。翻开日历,翻开了新的一年,翻开了一段精彩的故事。我躺在床上回想着自己过去的一年里,有过汗水,有过快乐,也有过悲伤。告别了旧年,我们跨入了新的一年。我的眼前仿佛又出现了一条新的跑道,也许我还会在这条跑道上跌倒,但我仍会顽强地站起来,顽强地向重重困难挑战。我坚信,在暴风骤雨后,总会有一条美丽的彩虹出现。 此刻,窗外又响起了噼里啪啦的鞭炮声,这是人们告别旧年的恋恋不舍,也是人们对新年的美好憧憬
再问: 挺好,就是太多