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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 19:20:49
feed back (v.+adv.)
1.反馈; 反响 return as an input to the proceeding stage of that circuit
▲feed back (to sb/sth)
The teacher found that nothing was feeding back to him from his pupils.那位教师发觉学生们对他的讲解毫无反应.
▲feed sth ⇔ back (to sb/sth)
The college often feeds back information on students' performances at college to their parents.学院经常将学生在校的情况反馈给家长.
The salesman fed back information to the firm about its sales.这位推销员将售货情况反馈到商行.
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
Part of the output of an amplifier can be fed back to get rid of sound distortion.放大器的部分输出可以进行反馈以消除声音的失真.
The information is fed back to the appropriate government department.这个信息被反馈给政府的有关部门.
2.反过来起促进作用 return as feed-back; affect or modify the process that bring it about
▲feed back to〔into〕 sth
The experience from the teaching of English to foreign learners is feeding back to the teaching profession in Britain.教授外国学生学习英语的经验正反过来推动着英国本身的英语教学工作.
A lot of ideas are feeding back from the applied sciences into the pure sciences.应用科学的许多概念反过来对理论科学起着促进作用.
A lot of ideas are feeding back from agriculture into botany.农业方面的许多概念正反过来对植物学起促进作用.
▲feed sth ⇔ back
The machine feeds back everything you need to know.这架机器可以把你所需要知道的全部材料再提供出来.
feed in (v.+adv.)
送进 introduce steadily
▲feed sth ⇔ in
He fed the tape in.他把磁带插了进去.
If you feed the data in, you will get the analysis a few minutes later.如果你把数据输入,几分钟后就可以得到分析结果.
You feed in the money here and the coffee comes out there.你把钱从这里送进去,咖啡就从那边出来了.
feed into (v.+prep.)
1.流入; 注入 flow into
▲feed into sth
The river feeds into the Pacific Ocean.这条河流入太平洋.
These small rivers feed into the lake.这些小河都流入此湖.
2.送入; 装进 move into
▲feed into sth
Oil feeds into an engine.油加入发动机.
The wire feeds into a conduit.这电线装进导线管.
The bullets will soon feed into the machine gun.这些子弹马上要装入机枪.
▲feed sth into sth
Having fed kerosene into the lamp, he lit it up.他给灯灌上煤油后,点着了灯.
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
This electricity is then fed into the electricity grid system.然后,这一电流被输入电网系统.
The information and question are fed into the computer, which then supplies the answer.把信息和问题输入计算机中,它就提供出答案来.
feed off (v.+prep.)
〔说明〕 feed off通常不用于被动结构.
▲feed off sth
1.从(盘、碟等)中取食 take food from
The children sat down round a small table and began to feed off a big plate.孩子们围坐在一张小桌子边,开始吃大盘子里的东西.
The guests sat cross-legged around a low table and fed off silver dishes.客人们盘腿围坐在一张矮桌旁,从银盘中取菜吃.
The pigs fed off the same trough.那些猪从同一食槽里取食.
2.靠…为生; 靠…维持 use as a source or supplier of food, materials, energy, etc.
These little bears feed off leaves of these trees.这些小熊以这种树的叶子为食.
When fresh food and water are not available, the camel can feed off its hump.在得不到新鲜食物和水的时候,骆驼可以消耗它肉峰内储存的脂肪维持生命.
The central services of that broadcasting company to some extent feed off the regional stations.那家广播公司中央台的业务在某种程度上是依靠地方台供应材料的.
To avoid a power cut, they decided to feed off an alternate generator.为了避免停电,他们决定靠备用发电机发电.
feed on (v.+prep.)
1.(使)以…为食; 以…为能源 (cause to) live on/eat certain food; run with some energy
〔说明〕 feed on通常不用于被动结构.
▲feed on sth
People in the South feed mostly on rice.南方人主要以大米为主食.
You had better feed on coarse cereals for a time.你最好吃一段时间杂粮.
Sheep chiefly feed on grass.羊以食草为生.
Certain animals feed on insects.有些动物以昆虫为食.
The tiger feeds on flesh.老虎是食肉动物.
This power station feeds on gas.这个发电站以天然气为能源.
The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.燃气轮机以它所泵入的燃料为能源.
▲feed sb/sth on sth
We feed our dog on fresh meat.我们用鲜肉喂狗.
They feed their cat on fish.他们用鱼喂猫.
2.从…中得到增强〔满足〕 become strengthened from sth; gain satisfaction from sth
▲feed on sth
The eyes feed on beautiful objects.美景悦目.
His convictions feed on determination.由于有了决心,他的信心增强了.
The public feeds on these periodicals.公众由于有这些期刊可以阅读而得到满足.
The reason for this is that technology feeds on itself.这一情况的出现,其原因在于技术本身的扶植作用.
He feeds on hope.他因抱有希望而坚强起来.
The young pop singer fed on the admiration from the public.那位年轻的通俗歌手从群众的赞扬中获得力量.
feed out (v.+adv.)
▲feed sth ⇔ out
1.养肥可以上市 feed or fatten animals to a market
The farmer is feeding out his chickens for Christmas.这位农民正逐步把他的鸡喂肥,以便圣诞节食用.
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
The ducks have been fed out.鸭子已经养肥可以上市了.
2.供应; 提供 furnish for use
This type of press can feed out papers much faster than ordinary one.这种印刷机印刷报纸比普通印刷机快得多.
feed up (v.+adv.)
〔说明〕 feed up通常不用于进行体.
1.给以充足的食物〔饲料〕 feed (sb or an animal) fully
▲feed up
You must feed up to grow strong.你应当增加营养,使身体长得强壮些.
There are thousands of children in the slum who need feeding up.贫民区里有数以千计的孩子需要养活.
He looks half starved and wants feeding up.他看上去一副忍饥挨饿的样子,需要多吃点东西.
2.不高兴; 讨厌; 腻了 be in low spirits; be tired of sth/sb
▲feed sb up with sb/sth
John feeds everyone up with his constant appeals for help.约翰老是要别人帮忙,使大家感到厌烦.
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
I am fed up with this wet weather.我对这种潮湿的天气感到厌烦.
I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness.我已无法忍受他的懒惰和粗心.
People get fed up with anyone who brags all the time.人们对那些总爱吹牛的人反感透了.
If you put heart and soul into the work, you wouldn't be feeling fed up with the job anyway.如果你把心思都集中在工作上,你无论如何也不会对这项工作感到厌倦.
▲feed up (with) v-ing
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
I'm fed up (with) waiting for him.我等他等腻了.
I'm fed up with her grumbling.我已讨厌她的牢骚了.
I was getting a little fed up with his smacking his lips while eating. 我对他吃饭时吧嗒嘴儿开始讨厌了.
The old couple is never fed up with going to the same park every day. 这对老夫妻每天都去同一个公园,从不腻烦.
▲feed sb up that-clause
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
Mother will be a bit fed up that you didn't telephone.你没打个电话妈妈会不大高兴的.
feed with (v.+prep.)
给…添加,提供(某物); 用(某物)满足… fill, supply, or satisfy (sth/sb) with (sth)
▲feed sb/sth with sth
She was feeding the baby with porridge.她正在给小孩子喂麦片粥.
The children were feeding the monkey with bananas.孩子们正在给猴子喂香蕉.
They fed it with egg yolk and other nutritious foods.他们用蛋黄和其他富有营养的食物喂那婴儿.
You feed the machine with this special paper on a roll.用轴上的特制纸给这台机器加料.
Education does not mean merely feeding the students with facts.教育并不仅仅意味着向学生传授知识.
Her job is to stand at the side of the stage and feed the actors with their lines when they forget them.她的工作是站在舞台边上给忘词的演员提词.
His father feeds him with hopes.他父亲对他充满了希望.
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
The market has to be fed with an endless supply of goods.必须源源不断地给市场供货.